Launching The First Hacker WG in Berlin

Wanna join the HackerLoft?

Dominik Scherm
3 min readMay 3, 2020

HackerLoft in a nutshell: We, Johannes and I — both young entrepreneurs with a background in the Berlin tech scene are founding the first Hacker WG in Berlin. For the next 3 months and beyond we want to move into a damn nice penthouse with other ambitious and talented “hackers”. Our goal is to push us all forward, having fun and most importantly: making unforgettable memories. Learn more on and apply here if you want to be part of this story.

How HackerLoft can look like

Who we are and why we are starting HackerLoft?

Where the story begins: It all started one year ago when we first moved into our first flat in Prenzelberg, Berlin. We both founded a company together in 2017 and wanted to take it to the next level. All day and night we coded on our own browser called Space Browser and embraced our new life in the glory party capital. Each day we were hacking on our project while Johannes was finishing his bachelor degree and I worked for my own agency. We are both in our twenties and had just started.

Move-in day into our first “Hacker-WG”
Move-in day into our first “Hacker-WG”

Soon we discovered that your network is an essential part to power your business, so we went to Meetups, Hackathons and all sorts of events, with the goal to get in touch and to be seen. While doing so, we also wanted to connect to young founders and started running our own Meetups.

We also got in touch with a lot of CODE students, the best computer science university here in Berlin, got into Factory (the biggest co-working space in Berlin) and started working on our projects there.

After finally shipping our browser last August we made a really successful launch, were featured by ProductHunt, ranked on Hackernews and got a feature in Gründerszene (the most famous German startup news site).

All ended in us gaining a ton of experience in how to start your next big thing and going to even more house-parties. Although Space wasn’t such a massive success in the app world and we couldn’t secure the next funding round, we continued and worked full-time on the agency from October till beginning of February.

Now we are still roommates and still hack on a bunch of side projects while working as software engineers in our day jobs.

So what is HackerLoft?

But enough about us, back to what we are planning: Renting a luxurious penthouse in Berlin to start a minimum 3 months incubator for hackers.

We are both constantly pushing us forward and we want to take this hustle to the next level. With you. We want to found a squad of ambitious young individuals who want to start their own projects and become someone well-known one day in the tech scene.

Therefore we see the chance to move in one flat together, where we can all hack with each other all day & night long on all kind of projects. Of course everyone can bring their own ideas (and businesses) into our WG and we will constantly push ourselves to the next level.

But our HackerLoft is not only supposed to be a co-working place on steroids, it’s also a place to network and to get drunk on parties where we will invite well-known names from the (Berlin) tech scene.

We are already searching for ideal apartments, which will meet our high standards of a suitable Hacker penthouse.

How to join?

So we are only missing YOU, this one creative talented maker, designer or entrepreneur, hungry for experiencing the best time of your life together and to level up your career. So please stop reading here and apply now on

We are looking forward to your application!

Cheers ✌️

Your future Hacker Buddies Johannes & Dominik

Your future Hacker Buddies Johannes & Dominik
Your future Hacker Buddies Johannes & Dominik

