Project: Video Sharing Platform- Architecture Design.

Dominik Zygarski
6 min readMar 17, 2024


I recently took on designing a serverless architecture for a video sharing application. It was a fantastic opportunity for me to dive deep into cloud technology and brush up on modern tech. Now, I’d like to share this project with you, tell you all about my design and how it all comes together into a cohesive whole that could actually work in the real world.


The frontend is a static website hosted on AWS S3, serving as the user interface for the video sharing application. It is designed with simplicity, speed, and reliability in mind, allowing users to easily upload, browse, and play video content. Utilizing modern frameworks such as React or Angular, the site is responsive and provides a seamless user experience across various device types.

Video Processing:

A pivotal component of the project is the video processing system, which automatically converts uploaded content into various formats and resolutions. I utilized Kafka, a streaming platform, to manage the queue of video processing tasks. Kafka enables efficient real-time processing of large volumes of data, essential in a video-sharing application where users expect quick access to uploaded content. Upon video upload, it is automatically directed to the Kafka system, which then ensures it’s transformed into formats suitable for different devices and connection speeds, guaranteeing optimal video quality for every user.

Video Analysis:

To ensure all uploaded content is appropriate and safe for the community, I incorporated video analysis using AWS Recognition into the process. This service utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to identify objects, people, text, scenes, and activities, as well as detect inappropriate content. When a user uploads a video, it is automatically sent to AWS Recognition, which analyzes the material for potential threats or inappropriate content. This solution allows me to quickly address any materials that could violate platform policies, making it safer for all users.

Databases for Metadata:

For storing video metadata and user information, I use AWS DynamoDB — a fast and flexible NoSQL database offering scalability and performance essential for a dynamically growing video-sharing platform. DynamoDB allows for easy management of large volumes of data without the need for dedicating resources to maintain database servers. Thanks to DynamoDB’s automatic scaling, the application can efficiently handle an increase in users as well as a rise in the volume of uploaded and viewed video content. Additionally, for fast access to frequently used data and its caching, I utilize Redis, which significantly improves the application’s response time, providing an even better experience for users.

Storing Processed Video:

After processing, videos are stored in AWS S3, which offers reliable and scalable object storage solutions. AWS S3 enables me to securely store processed video files in various formats and resolutions, crucial for delivering optimal content to users across different devices and with varying internet connection speeds. Using S3 facilitates easy management of file access, versioning, and rapid content distribution through integration with CDN (Content Delivery Network) services. This ensures users can enjoy fast and smooth access to videos, regardless of their location.

Content Delivery Network and Cache:

To optimize the delivery of video content to users worldwide, I utilize a CloudFront (CDN). CDN reduces the distance data travels between the server and the user by storing copies of video content in multiple geographical locations. As a result, when a user requests access to a video, the content is delivered from the nearest server, significantly reducing latency and improving content loading speed.

Additionally, to further accelerate access to popular content and reduce the load on the main servers, I employ caching mechanisms. Cache temporarily stores frequently requested data, allowing for faster retrieval by users. In a video sharing application, caching is especially important for video thumbnails, metadata, and other elements that are often read. Both CDN and caching significantly contribute to enhancing the overall performance of the platform, providing users with a smooth and satisfying viewing experience.

Video Searching and Delivery:

To enhance the video search process in my application, I integrated
AWS CloudSearch, a cloud search service that enables fast and precise searching across large datasets. CloudSearch indexes video metadata stored in the database, allowing users to easily find content using keywords, categories, or other filters. Thanks to its flexible scaling, CloudSearch efficiently handles an increasing number of search queries, ensuring smooth and rapid delivery of results.

Meanwhile, when a user selects a specific video to watch, requests to AWS S3, where the video files are stored and managed by AWS Lambda. Lambda is a compute service that executes code in response to events, such as a user’s request. This means that each video playback request is quickly processed, and the corresponding file is directly delivered to the user without the need for additional server infrastructure. Utilizing AWS Lambda not only minimizes latency but also optimizes costs, as you pay only for the code execution time in response to actual requests.

Horizontal Scalability:

In my project, achieving horizontal scalability is crucially supported by the use of Auto Scaling Groups in AWS. These groups automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances in response to changing loads, allowing for the efficient handling of an increase in user requests without manual intervention. Thus, the system can dynamically add new instances as the number of users or requests grows, and reduce resources when demand decreases.

Auto Scaling Groups ensure that the video-sharing application remains performant and available even during peak loads, which is key to maintaining a high-quality user experience. Horizontal scalability, supported by Auto Scaling Groups, is fundamental in the cloud, allowing the application to flexibly adapt to changing conditions without overloading individual servers or exceeding resource limits.

Additionally, services like S3, DynamoDB, and CloudSearch also offer built-in scalability, meaning they can handle an increase in queries and stored data without direct intervention. The integration with CDN continues to play a significant role in optimizing content delivery to users globally, ensuring content loads quickly and efficiently from various locations.

As a result, through the use of Auto Scaling Groups and other AWS services, the application’s architecture can scale horizontally in a smooth and efficient manner, responding to the growing needs of users, ensuring continuous and reliable operation of the platform.

Security and Optimization:

In the design of a video sharing application, security, and optimization are of paramount importance. Utilizing AWS services such as Identity and Access Management (IAM) for access and permissions management allows for detailed control over resource and operation access. AWS Shield and AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) protect against DDoS attacks and other online threats, ensuring the continuous availability of services and protection against abuses.

For optimization, monitoring, and logging with Amazon CloudWatch enable performance tracking of the application and identification of potential issues. Automated scaling in response to performance metric changes is essential for maintaining optimal operation while managing costs.

DevOps practices, including continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), support the rapid and safe implementation of changes in the application. This allows for regular updates of functionalities and security patches, minimizing the risk of errors.

Security and optimization are ongoing processes that require constant monitoring and adjustments. By adhering to best practices and leveraging advanced tools offered by AWS, the application is secured and optimized for performance, ensuring readiness for future challenges.


The design of a serverless architecture for a video sharing application demonstrates how the use of modern technologies and cloud services can revolutionize the way we create and scale web applications. Flexibility, security, and optimization are key elements of this project, each essential for building scalable and efficient systems in a dynamically changing digital environment.

The utilization of services such as AWS Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, Kafka, CloudSearch, along with CDN integration and the adoption of DevOps practices, highlight the significance of the cloud in application development. As a result, the architecture not only meets the demands of contemporary users looking for fast and secure solutions but also provides developers with tools for effective resource and cost management.

This project proves that with the right approach and use of available technologies, a solid foundation can be created for any web application that is ready to meet future challenges. Introducing serverless into the video sharing application architecture not only simplifies infrastructure management and scaling but also allows focusing on feature development, ultimately translating into a better user experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope I was able to provide valuable information and inspiration related to designing a serverless architecture for a video sharing application.

Feel free to leave a comment below. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, and I look forward to any discussions. Thank you again, and see you in the next posts!


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