How to easily sign and notarize a message in blockchain?
2 min readSep 8, 2019

As corporate emails are vulnerable and prone to leaks, attackers come up with numerous ideas on how to get sensitive information from private correspondence. Sending fake emails is a well-known and, sadly, effective way to extort information, mislead, or even blackmail a person. In one of the most common email scams called Business Email Compromise (BEC), cyber attackers put themselves as clients, suppliers, managers or other business partners in order to try to get money or information. The numbers are alarming: up to 91% of all cyberattacks start with phishing emails and there are 6.4 billion fraudulent emails sent every day.

Luckily, now it’s possible to easily digitally sign & notarize in blockchain any kind of public or private messages posted online. has developed FileProof signature — a tool that uses blockchain technology to prevent fake emails to spread and endanger corporate security. After reading a digitally-signed message sealed in blockchain, a recipient can make sure that the message really comes from the person it’s supposed to come.

Photo by Web Hosting on Unsplash

The way it works is simple and intuitive. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to digitally sign and secure any message and therefore bring trust to the organization.

  1. Install a plugin — contact us at to get access. At the…


-- is a mobile voting app which uses blockchain to provide both immutability and poll supervision by the voters.