The timing question… — An interview with Jörg Schorr about online voting
2 min readDec 24, 2019 had the opportunity to interview Jörg Schorr — expert in e-voting products.

When and why did you get interested in online voting?

Online voting is in line with the digitalization trend that started already a while ago. Being very interested in the political rights in Switzerland, it was natural to work — amongst others — in the electronic voting context.

What are the different ways of online voting? Where can it be used?

In Switzerland online voting is mainly associated with the remote voting through the internet channel. This is well accepted as the citizens with voting rights already use mainly the postal vote, meaning they do not vote in at the poll station anymore.

Another application can be at general meetings (for shareholders typically) which translates to providing remotely, through the internet the vote instructions to a proxy or the company directly.

In some other countries there are other forms, like voting in a poll station on a computer.

It is important for the future generations, broadens the participation possibilities for the citizens, ensures more valid votes and less work for the counting. All this together will offer new ways to deal with


-- is a mobile voting app which uses blockchain to provide both immutability and poll supervision by the voters.