We’re all remote workers now — let’s make the most of it

4 min readMar 19, 2020

While many aspects of COVID-19 seem new and unfamiliar, the virus has also led to greater awareness and acceptance of some truths that we essentially already knew. For example, remote working makes sense for so many reasons. Some of us might be reluctant to embrace working from home, preferring the buzz of the office or feeling more motivated when the boss is looking over our shoulder. But increasingly, the trend is towards logging in at home, whenever possible. It has been predicted that COVID-19 could lead to “a permanent shift towards home working”.

However, not everyone is a natural remote worker, and both employees and employers will need some extra guidance in order to make the transition. So, how can we make the most of working from home?

Remote working as an employee or freelancer

Here’s how to work from home and get things done:

  • Create a work space. If the luxury of a separate room as an office is not an option, find another way to make a distinction between your living area and your work space. For example, use a different table or chair, or position yourself so you have a different view. When you’re there, you’re “at work” even when at home. A comfortable chair and good lighting are essential too.
  • Have a routine (including breaks). The…




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