Black and White Photography

Jade Lee
3 min readAug 25, 2017


Seeing life in black and white.

There are so many colors in black and white photographs. White, black and everything in between. Having all fifty shades of gray really makes a photo interesting.

A strong contrast really brings out the shape, curves and the connection between the object and viewer. Color is really a distraction in some cases.

Sanja. She likes shooting people.

We took a long walk to search for contrast, texture and patterns. We were patient and excited.

Being a photographer really helps you to appreciate everything small and big in life. You become observant and you know more. You feel like you are living life to the fullest. You’re infinite because there’s always something new in your every day.

Look closely.

They say with black and white photography getting the right focus and having great contrast is crucial, but sometimes a plain blurry misty result catches youreye. It just works and there’s no explanation to it.

My friend Sanja would be mad at this photo because I cut off the bottom of the cup. “Gimme the whole story!” she will likely yell. It was unintended. Just so you know.

Of course, you should treat all objects like gold. Let it do all the talking.

Light Leak!

Accidents happen and some of them are happy ones.

I opened my camera before fully winding the film inside. What a stupid thing to do. But luckily I saved most of them. Some photos have light leaks in them but still look cool.

The thing about film camera is that you don’t know what the results will be like until way after. It is like opening up a box of chocolates. Also, since there is a limited number of shoots you can take, each photo is taken with care and love.

It’s precious. It cherishes the moment. An attitude we should have towards life. Think about how much we take life for granted and react to people around us in a way they don’t deserve.

We should all care. We should all be film photographers.

The best is yet to come.

Take photos of those and that are worth your time.

