Pekeño Jo rocking the hip hop BOOM BAP style all the way over in Spain.

BigBoyDogg-BBD Community.
8 min readApr 8, 2016


First of all Pekeno Jo. How is the weather there?

Well, to be honest I think the weather here is a bit crazy, one day it’s raining, another day is really hot… I couldn’t tell you even what season we are in. it’s been cold late this year. But in the end we are in Spain, so I hope here in the south in a short period of time we can go to the beach and enjoy the Mediterranean weather.

What was the first album you ever purchased of hip hop or even heard?

I was around 8 or 9 years old when I heard my first rap cassette. My mother was the one who gave it to me and heartly, I don’t remember the group name, I only Know I burnt the cassette in the walkman.

I think my mother didn’t know what she was giving to me, possibly she gave it to me because of that, moreover when I was a child my house was governed by a fascist dictature. My father, so listening to this kind of music like rap, was something like a crime… Spain and its general roughness!!

We can say that listening to rap or any other ambit related to hip hop culture was frowned upon.

What my parents didn’t know is that it had born in me a great love for that music and all that culture and nobody was going to keep me from getting my cassettes and cds, learning breakdance, writing graffities and sketches and mostly making my raps.

Which artist motivated you to pursue your love for hip hop?

KRS ONE is the first rapper I remember, I love his music. The first rap cd I got was Cypress Hill – Skull and bones, and it was my cousins present.

Which artist motivated you to pursue your love for hip hop?

If I had to choose only one artist it is easy, EMINEM, He was, he is and he will be a great reference point and inspiration.

Although I think that Notorious Big, KRS One, A Tribe Called Quest, Cypress, Tupac, Method Man, Dr Dre, The Roots, Snoop Dog, Xzibit, Jay Z, Twista and more american mc’s are also amazing.

And if we talk about the Latin and Spanish ones: Mexicano 777, El Maestro,Tego Calderón, Mala Rodrìguez, Ariadna Puello, Tote King, Doble V and some more have partaking in the soundtrack of my rap beginning and after that with a lot of different music. I also have made my life soundtrack because I would like to finish by telling that I listen to all kinds of good music and I try to learn from it.

Here I leave some links with some of my favourite songs.


What’s the hip hop scene in Spain like? Is there open mic nights and all that there?

Well, I’ts not the best scene ever in the world. People here are not a great support, there’s no real backing. Unless you are one of the lucky ones that are by the first in this culture here, the ones that are on the top. If you are not one of the fortunates, you are going to have very few options. You have to fight very hard and follow with no rest for your dreams. In my case I have the chance to show my music to everybody and be able to live off my passion.

Yes, There are open mic nights here and battles, but from my point of view they are very few. I can tell you that you will be lucky if you find two rap clubs in my city and there are regions in Spain that have not even a miserable club where you could listen to hip hop.

Who’s your favourite sexy Spain model you would love to have in one of your videos?

AhAhAh!! Mmmm. I dont have any favourite model. If I wanted for a model to play a role in one of my clips I problably would make a casting to give the chance to the one who deserves it, famous or not, and I would worry about the profile, the implication level, the acting quality and the profesionality of her.

famous model Almudena Cid from Spain.

But if the videoclip is a party in the beach or in a mansion with a pool, there’s no problem, then they all can come.

What’s your favourite clothing line from Spain?

Well, I like very diferent clothing styles, but if I have to opt just one brand, I would say Shakk. This shop have the kind of clothes I like the most this year. You can have a look in

What does Pekeño Jo do on an average day?

Buff… It depends on the day, but generally there is a thing that doesn’t change. My musical career. It takes a big part of all my days, because I wake up and while having my breakfast I’m already writing or testing my show, reviewing my social networks and updating them ( while I smoke my canute).

I am really exigent with my art, and because of that I always dedicate mostly all of my time, because even if I am working at any job, or playing any other role or function the rap is with me 24/7, I can’t help it. The rap is my life and I love it, it’s my scape valve and my authentic profession.

The rest of my days are basically taking care of my home, my girl, my three dogs…I love cooking for them.

I usually take care of my brothers Ckone and Keon as well. With them I share the Peligro Records company management. And it takes up time too.

After all those things I like to relax on the sofa, watching any show or film, smoking a good May and going on with my dream of crossing the ocean and follow my target.








Who are your biggest supporters?

As if the four legs of a table were the biggest support that is offered to me is from my girl, She supports me and helps me 300%. I consider myself really lucky, because not everybody can say that this couple lives the same dream with the same or more illusions than yourself.

My brothers CKone and Keon work hard for me as well. Ckone is a big help for me, he’s my producer, my dj and my mate until the end, I could say that Peligro Records would be the next support I have more importantly in my life.

The third leg with no doubt is the rap, I wouldn’t know how to explain to you well, but it gives me the force at any moment, it’s something that is even in my DNA, it’s part of me.

And obviously, my public, that is growing everyday and I will carry it until the day my spirit must go and only remains the refuge of my songs.

Any shoutouts to anyone in Spain and all over the world?


To be Honest if I write everything I think you will have material only with this answer for a book, It could even be a best seller.

But, although I would love to say things like:

“ Dr Dre I would make a wonder hit with one of your beats!!!”


“ Spain, Hip Hop origin born from the union not from the ego!”

“ There’s no a good political methods in my country” And all types of things there are all what the mad people like me think!!

The truth is that I prefer to say out loud to all of you:

Thanks Big Boy Dogs, thanks Whirl Radio for looking at me and putting trust in me, for your support, I was a long time waiting for people like you who appreciate what I do, and heartly I tell you: THANKS FRIENDS!.@dominos197822 #Bigboydogg. @whirlradio #greatpeople #thankyou #loveforall #loveCanadá @whirlrecords1 @whirlrecordscan

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Time has given me the experience that you have to be where people love you.

I have a lot of followers in Perú for example.

USA have a great part of my heart.

UK has shown support as well.

And well, Canadá I ensure you that suprising me a lot and it has made me very happy knowing that I have a great support of good and friendly people there. You can make sure that Canada is in my future plans. Moreover, I love its natural wealth and I love snow too, I’m sure it must be a wonderfull country and I’d love to have the chance of visiting it, even stay there a period of my life and live it in the first person.

Sorry for being so wide, but As I’ve lived I’ve learnt that things not always comes like we expect them, mostly if you only follow a very concrete thing.

I’d say New York, but New York It’s not where I’m welcome, but I have the opportunity in Vancouver…

That would make my dream come true?

I really think you have to be where you have to be, where people support you, where people give you the chance of showing your art, your passion.


This is such a great interview for me. Pekeño Jo had his translator help him out and we both worked together on the interview back and forth. The world does not divide us with this Bridgeport called the Internet. Thanx Pekeño Jo and his Familia. We will hopefully one day be able to meet.



BigBoyDogg-BBD Community.

Getting back to basics. laughing at the unhappy fake humans. Nothing matters as long as you are proud of your accomplishments.