Dom Pfeiffer

Jul 11, 2022

5 stories

A success plan is like a road map that will take you from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. It’s not enough to just have a general idea of what you want to achieve. You need to know exactly what steps to take to get there. Let me show you!

Become clear on the life you want to live. Benchmark the success of other people. Set up your support environment.
Create a holistic life vision that includes all eight dimensions of wellness. Identify your ideal starting point and reverse engineer your action plan.
Break your high level plan into quarters. Use objectives and key results to accelerate your success. Use the quarterly review to stay on track.
Design your perfect week. Start by reviewing your last week and plan from there. Identify your 1-3 most critical objectives. Use time-blocking to schedule your tasks.
Start your day the night before. Use your personal morning routine to prime yourself for achievement. Train your mind to work for you instead against you. Measure your progress backward.
Dom Pfeiffer

Dom Pfeiffer

Friend of Medium

Went from being a preacher, broke, failed to entrepreneur, six-figure income, world improver. Passionate about supporting people achieve success on their terms.