DomRaider partners with Bancor

Domraider Team
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2017

We are delighted to announce that Bancor is partnering with DomRaider!

Bancor is built to enable liquidity through direct conversion of cryptocurrencies without relying on traditional market makers or synchronous matching of buyers and sellers. This token liquidity network enables custom ecosystem tokens to achieve critical liquidity from day 1, and is a natural compliment to Domraider’s mission of creating a new ecosystem dedicated to open and fair auctions using blockchain technology.

We share a vision of bringing these important decentralization technologies to end-users everywhere through innovative and friendly applications with real utility.” said Yudi Levi, Co-Founder and CTO at Bancor.

About Bancor:

Bancor is a protocol for the creation of Smart Tokens, a new standard for cryptocurrencies which are intrinsically exchangeable directly through their smart contracts. Bancor utilizes an innovative reserve method to enable automatic price discovery and continuous liquidity for tokens, without needing to match two parties in an exchange. Smart tokens interconnect to form token liquidity networks, allowing user-generated cryptocurrencies to thrive.

The DomRaider Network wants Bancor Protocol’s smart tokens to allow entities on its platform to trade value with greater ease.

What does the Bancor Partnership imply?

The Bancor protocol is a smart token standard which enables tokens to have continuous liquidity by utilizing reserve tokens through their smart contracts, with an automated price-discovery mechanism. This partnership with Bancor will bring more exposure to the blockchain based real-time auctions community, and will create additional liquidity and stability for the DRT community.

“We believe that this partnership will help the development and growth of this new auctioning ecosystem aimed to provide an innovative solution for all worldwide auctioning players. We are excited to bring Bancor’s innovation to DomRaider blockchain community, and we look forward to giving you further information about this partnership in coming weeks.” — said Tristan Colombet, CEO at DomRaider.

Stay tuned!

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