Access control and integrations

Chromatic update

Dominic Nguyen
2 min readApr 18, 2018

Chromatic aims to provide a hassle-free developer experience –free of time-sucking configuration and wondering “does this even work?!” One way we do that is investing in integrations with the tools developers already use.

The goal of this release is to improve the collaboration workflow with beefier integrations and access control.

Sign up below for free & unlimited Chromatic usage during the early access period!

📦 Package update 0.8.2

Each package upgrades performance or improves features. We highly recommend staying up to date with the latest package version (especially this one).

Expanded CI support

This release expands support for more continuous integration systems including:

Better accommodate rebasing

Package version 0.8.2 includes full support for branch rebasing; you’ll find approvals carry over from commit-to-commit as you would expect.

Many teams rely on rebasing feature-branches against master to keep them up to date. Chromatic relies on Git history in order to turn approved snapshots in one build into baselines in the next build. As such, some finesse was required to support such rewriting of the Git history caused by rebasing.

🗝 Open source access control

Chromatic now grants access to GitHub open source projects without requiring an account. This allows everyone to quickly view UI changes.

For open source projects, anonymous users and non-project members will see a new access mode “read-only”. Folks in this mode can view snapshots and builds but cannot review.

Read-only mode when reviewing

The Chroma team has a lengthy history of contributing to open source. From helping launch Apollo GraphQL, to engineering Meteor, and now helping maintain Storybook, we believe in building great developer tooling for everyone. If you’re building an open source component library, say hello.

⚡️ Performance improvements

In preparation for the upcoming general access launch, this release includes performance improvements that make the site snappier and speed up the review flow.

Try Chromatic for Storybook

Chromatic is the visual snapshot testing tool for Storybook.



Dominic Nguyen

Design at Chromatic & Storybook — prev Apollo GraphQL, Meteor