What if you could go back in time? New Time travel Equation

Donald Okaragba
5 min readNov 29, 2022


Initially, I hated maths. However, if I'm going to be very honest, I disliked the maths teacher I had then because she was always unavailable to teach. But she was going through a lot concerning her family. Her children were usually sick and needed medical attention.

Then I moved to a higher class in primary school. I had a math teacher who changed my life. Somehow, he was able to diagnose my maths problem, made some recommendations, and that was it. I still help kids I find around my space learn maths with this recommendation.

I advocate that quality education should be given free as proof that educators have faith in its application to solve the desired problems. Anyway, I'm also grateful for those who make quality education available at price.

Thanks to my teacher and dedication to studying - it’s only math textbooks I used to read growing up, at 11 years, I could read, teach myself and solve Engineering Mathematics. I found my mum’s Engineering Mathematics textbooks she used in the University and began studying them.

There are two reasons why children (and subsequently most adults) don't know maths:

  1. Their teachers (who may be great at maths) have not taught them well.
  2. They have not been inspired enough to study more on their own. A child’s curiosity, just like in arts should be led to asking questions and searching for answers.

Today I will be working on and documenting the time travel equation that has been in my head for many years now.

I believe that if we can have a device that solves this maths equation we would be able to travel through time.

Here's my theory behind the time travel Equation: "for time travel to the past to be possible, we need a coefficient or constant that has a negative value and to travel into the Future, we need a coefficient that magnifies the value of output 'T' which is the time at a future date time".

Getting that coefficient is where all the work lies.

Remember Einstein’s energy equation?

where E is energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light.

It will be our starting point.

Now, imagine travelling at the speed of light at significantly lower energy, the mass in this equation will be negative.

Let’s make mass, m, the subject of the equation.

when the energy, E, is small.

  • How can we travel at the speed of light at lower energy? Well, it’s not impossible.
  • Does a negative mass mean that the time travel subject disappears or something?
    Well, it changes its mass temporarily during the process of time travel. Or this mass could be a different mass that will be created theoretically to accommodate the actual mass of the body. It can also be the state of the mass of the time travel device during time travel. Although, the mass of the device and the body could be considered as one in the equation.

Let's continue...

By the way, I Googled the time travel Equation and I found some good works by some great Scientists and Physicists.

Moving on, from Newton’s second law of motion, there’s a relationship between Force, f, and mass, m.

Where 'a' is the acceleration of the body with mass, m.

I'm going to go have breakfast now. I might have to cook it. It's 7:58 am right now.

Acceleration, a, is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Velocity is the distance covered per time.

Acceleration, a is expressed as a follows:

Where v is velocity and t is time.

We took this approach so that we can have a relationship with time in our equation.

If we express Newton's 2nd law above concerning time, we have:

Let’s make 't' the subject of the equation. We have:

Now let’s substitute m here for our mass, m, in the energy equation where:

The above equation is my equation for time travel.

It will travel to the past at lower energy devices and into the Future at higher energy.

The energy (E), the velocity (v) and the Force (F) will be gotten upon testing and evaluating the capacity of the device at the speed of light.

The purpose of this article is not just to show my theoretical time travel Equation but to share practically what it means to think in the first principle.

Thinking in the first principle will enable you to solve any problem or at least contain or manage it effectively.

Thinking in the first principle helps save resources but you can see that you need to be more knowledgeable about the problem to be able to break it down to the first principle.

Well, it's the same with whatever challenge you want to solve. How much do you know about the problem, industry, parties involved, etc?

One of the books that helped me think more logically is Principles by Ray Dalio. You want to reach this book this holiday, it may be fun.

I used Dream's Artificial Intelligence to visualize the time machine. You can see some design variations below.

In the design of this time travel device, there are other physics, geography and chemistry-related components that should be considered to ensure the time travel subject (person or thing) can travel safely.

Thanks for reading. What are your thoughts about my time travel mathematical equation?

You can connect with me at my website

