Abroad — an app for exchange student / UX case study

White noise
5 min readApr 11, 2021


The world change, everything is changed

from paper to smartphone

from problem to functions

from many source to one application


Not everyone have opportunity to go to study abroad. Not everyone have opportunity to travel around the world. Or even lives in foreign country for a long term likes exchange student.

Study abroad is one of my goal and many students’ goal because it’s the experience that can not find in normal class. You will get new world in the country that you have never gone before. Social is difference from our country such as food, life and people. You will can to adjust yourself with difference culture. This thing will help you perspective more wide opening.

“And Then I realize Adventure was the best way to learn”



  • Going study abroad is one of my goal
  • Surrounding people have problem when they prepared for study abroad
  • It hasn’t an Application that gather information for study abroad
  • Application for study abroad is incompletely


Research question

1.What job are you?
2.What age are you?
3.What program are you in?
4.In daily life, When do you use English?
5.How you did know study program?
6.Why did you decision to join study abroad?
7.How did you prepare for the test?
8.What did you got from study abroad?

And I’ve asked Customer Journey’s interviewee. This is Customer Journey.

Customer Journey


  • Persona
    -love to do activity
    -Preparing for AFS
    -Want to Learning new thing
  • Problem Statement
    -Information is at different website. It’s not enough for search one time.
    -Preparing for going study abroad isn’t ready so it does student lose opportunity and lose time.


I hope a lot that this application will help who interest about going study abroad to find information. This app provides information from study abroad programs’ website to make you got enough information about going study abroad.

And the main proposal

Abroad application will make User ready for preparing study abroad.


  • epic & user story
  • function
  • testing
  • improve

User story

Main User Journey

  • Get ready for your luggage

User can use this feature by tap Get ready icon > Cloth . Then you tap on the cloth you are packed in luggage.


Home page : Feed

This page is consist of Post, Story of your friends, Feed.

Post : User can post, upload picture and upload album in his/her post.
Story : User can upload story by slide right in left side of this Application.
Feed : User can view, like and comment friend’s post.


User can search anything about study abroad.

Friend : User can add friend and accept friend request by this function.
Group : User can find a group and can create a new group.
Program : User can find study abroad program.


User can chat and send photo with you friend.

Get ready — Get ready with us

To study abroad whether long program or short program, the most important thing is to prepare studying abroad. Most people when they pack luggage found that it’s difficult. Maybe They don’t know how to start.

Get ready is consist of

Language learning : User can learning language and can test language skill.
Document : User can prepare document by tick on the list of document.
Thing : User can prepare thing by tick on the list of thing.
Expanse : User can prepare budget, calculate money and convert currency.
Health : User can record health data, find nearby hospital, contact with your doctor and find the situation about COVID-19.
Map : User can find important place nearby.


This page have setting, view score and user’s feed.


I’ve tested exchange student for 5 people from difference country. And I got result as below

“ good idea, This Application can be use with daily life. should change text color of column from White to another.”

“ Convenience for AFS student. This application should able to be connect to other.”

“ Convenience for AFS student. This application Should have button for go back every page”

“ Function interest for AFS student. Change size of icon ”

“ Use another prototype for feedback from user before building product ”


1.Change text color of column from White to another color ; to make user easier to read.

2.This application should able to be connect to other. : Google MAP

3.Should have button for go back every page

4.Change size of icon

Key Learning

after I tested program with exchange student. I can conclude to be key learning for 2 points.

1.Use another prototype for feedback from user before building real product because doing prototype is important process that impact to real product for satisfying user so most problem is spending a long time

2.As startup builder, I must learn from website, YouTube, many essay, tutorial. I’ve learnt how Google, Facebook do or their prototype.

