Introduction to Atlantus Coin Market (ACM): Solving Crypto Problem

Donatello Investing
2 min readJul 4, 2024


Welcome to the first installment of our deep dive series on the Atlantus Coin Market (ACM). If you’re intrigued by the City of Atlantus or the Atlantus Coin Market, you’re in the right place. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be breaking down the ACM white paper into digestible segments, ensuring you get a thorough understanding without feeling overwhelmed.

Why ACM?

The crypto world is rife with volatility. Extreme token price fluctuations can significantly impact the development and sentiment of projects. Whether it’s due to major buy/sell actions, financial constraints, or the fear of missing out (FOMO), the roller-coaster effect on token prices often doesn’t reflect the actual progress or potential of a project.

ACM to the Rescue

ACM aims to solve these issues with its innovative Financial Stability Technology (FST). This technology helps cushion the impact of token sales on the price chart by time-locking intrinsic value into an uncorrelated asset class. This new asset is tradable via the ACM OTC marketplace without affecting the online token price, allowing projects to develop strong use cases and utilities.

Key Terms to Know

Before diving into the details, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with some key terms you’ll encounter:

  • ACM (Atlantus Coin Market)
  • AMM (Automated Market Makers)
  • ATL (Atlantus Tokenized Lands)
  • CHLZ (Cycle Held Liquidities)
  • COA (City of Atlantus)
  • CRCs (Coin Rebates Credit)
  • DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
  • DApps (Decentralized Applications)
  • DCA (Dollar Cost Average)
  • DYOR (Do Your Own Research)
  • ETFs (Exchange-Traded Futures)
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
  • EVT (Ecosystem Value Token)
  • FST (Financial Stability Technology)
  • FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)
  • IETFs (Index Exchange Traded Futures)
  • METFs (Micro Or Macro Exchange Traded Futures)
  • NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
  • NRI (Natural Resource Index)
  • OTC (Over The Counter)
  • PRLZ (Precious Resource Liquidities)
  • RWA (Real World Assets)
  • TCTs (Token Claim Tickets)
  • TVL (Total Value Locked)
  • VMCs (Virtual Mining Companies)
  • VRB (Virtual Resource Block)

These terms are crucial as they are commonly used within the City of Atlantus ecosystem. Understanding them will help you grasp the bigger picture as we progress through the series.

The Bigger Picture

The ACM protocol’s primary goal is to provide financial stability for crypto projects, helping them sustain and grow without being adversely affected by market volatility. This stability is vital for long-term success and for creating generational wealth through robust project development.

Join the Journey

We’re just scratching the surface of what ACM has to offer. In this series, we’ll dive deeper into the solutions, technologies, and strategies that ACM brings to the table. Stay tuned for more detailed breakdowns and insights.

Watch the Full Video

For a comprehensive overview and more in-depth discussion, check out the full video here: Watch Full Video. Make sure to like, follow, and share your thoughts!

Read the Light Paper

For those who prefer to read, the ACM Light Paper 1.0 is available here:

Thank you for joining me, Donatello, on this exciting journey through the Atlantus Coin Market. Together, we’ll uncover the potential and opportunities within this groundbreaking project.



Donatello Investing

As a crypto enthusiast, I have a passion for technology and finance. My focus is on educating others and sharing my knowledge and insights on the subjects.