The Arkfi is Here to Shake Things Up! Wake Up and Try the Ark Vault for a Change!

Donatello Investing
3 min readJan 29, 2023


Are you tired of the same old boring investment options? Want to add a little excitement to your portfolio? Look no further than the Ark Vault! It’s like a rollercoaster ride for your money, but without the stomach drops (usually).

Sure, you could put your money into a savings account and watch it slowly grow, or you could play it safe with a stock or bond. But where’s the fun in that? With the Ark Vault, you’ll be on the edge of your seat as you watch your investment grow at a steady daily ROI. Plus, with the unique tax scaling system, the bigger the “whale” you are, the more taxes you pay, and let’s be real, who doesn’t love paying taxes? (Just kidding, we all hate taxes. But in this case, the taxes go towards maintaining and growing the platform, so it’s a small price to pay for potentially huge returns!)

But what exactly is the Ark Vault and how does it work? The Ark Vault is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It allows users to deposit their ARK into the Ark Vault, where they can earn daily returns on their investment. But here’s the real magic: the Ark Vault also includes several incentives and mechanisms to reduce price volatility and provide a steady passive income for users.

For example, the Ark Vault includes a referral rewards program, which incentivizes the promotion and onboarding of new investors into the system, creating buying pressure for the ARKFI token. It also includes compound:withdraw limits (CWR) to create a level of early sell pressure to smooth out price pumps with the Intelligent Liquidity Controller” (ILC). And let’s not forget the “whale tax.” Once the total payouts reach a certain threshold, an additional tax is applied. This tax increases incrementally for each additional threshold reached, with 100% of the incremental “whale” tax being sent to the Ark Vault.

But don’t let the tax scare you off! The Ark Vault is designed to help build a price floor and prevent extreme price volatility, so you can have peace of mind knowing your investments are in good hands. And in the unlikely event that the Ark Vault reaches zero and new tokens need to be minted, have no fear! The Ark Vault has an “Intelligent Liquidity Controller” (ILC) in place to maintain a dynamic price range for the ARKFI token and offset any potential negative effects on the token price.

So why settle for a boring investment when you could be a part of the Ark Vault adventure? Join us on the Ark and watch your money grow at a steady daily ROI, all while being entertained. And you may ask, Where is the entertainment? Join Arkfi telegram for the Nightly Podcasts at 6:00pm EST or 11:00pm UTC.

Trust the process, it’s a exciting wild ride you don’t want to miss. And as the wise philosopher Homer Simpson once said, “Mmm… passive income.” So join the Ark Vault and start making some money, Printer go BRRR!

The information provided in this medium post is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice. The author of this post is not a financial advisor and any investments discussed in this post may come with significant risks. It is important to conduct your own research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.



Donatello Investing

As a crypto enthusiast, I have a passion for technology and finance. My focus is on educating others and sharing my knowledge and insights on the subjects.