
Riccardo Donati
1 min readApr 15, 2019



Java was mainly developed by James Gosling in 1991 at Sun Microsystems Inc., with the main goal to create a language that allow programs to function regardless of the device they were used on, with a syntax similar to C/C++ that system and application programmers would find familiar.[26]

Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1996. It promised “Write Once, Run Anywhere” (WORA).

While this objective was not entirely achieved (prompting the riposte “Write once, debug everywhere”), Java is regarded as being largely hardware- and operating system-independent.

Though many would argue that Java is all time favourite among developers, it is not the most popular programming language (that title belongs to C). Java is ranked second in popularity among programming languages.

Currently, about 3 billion mobile phones(Google’s Android is based on Java’s API) are working in Java, as well as 125 million TV sets(Smart TV)and each Blu-Ray player.

