[EOS Proxy] Introducing dONe Proxy

4 min readJun 19, 2019


dONe Proxy is the proxy operates by EOS Content Creator dONe, who creates various contents such as basic conceptual explanations, tutorials, dApp and fork-chain for beginners of EOS ecosystem via Steemit, Medium and Korea’s largest EOS Community KOREOS (koreos.io)


Ⅰ. Proxy Background

All EOS token holders are entitled to execute their voting right by “participating in the vote” or “not participating in the vote”. However, if someone does not vote, there will be a problem where the other voting rights are reflected more heavily. And this jeopardizes the ecosystem as a whole can be lead to the wrong direction.

Ecosystems based on blockchain technology are still a very difficult and frightening world for many users. Among the many token holders investing in EOS tokens, many would like to actively participate in the ecosystem decision-making process, but many are not actively involved for the following reasons:

① It is difficult to find information on BP’s infrastructure, development activities, and community contribution activities.

② It is impossible to continuously monitor what BP candidates are currently doing.

③ It’s still a lot of work to handle identity verification tools and wallets.

④ There is not enough time for searching information and participating governance.

⑤ It felt so vague and difficult (or do not know how to vote)

I have been writing various articles for beginners so far and able to feel the similarities of many people’s feelings and anxiety. There are still too many barriers for all token holders to actively participate in the vote even if they would like to participate in the voting. So I felt the necessity of a community-based proxy for these people, and I begin operating the proxy to represent the community’s opinions.

Ⅱ. Proxy Operating Principles

① The transparency and accessibility of the information related to each BP candidates is the top priority.

② The criterion will be technical capability and immediate ability to cope with the network maintenance which is the most fundamental ability of BP

③ Consider level of contribution such as governance participation, proposal, and dApp development for healthy development of ecosystem of EOS mainnet and EOSIO software chains.

④ Consider communication with community members, creating educational contents for community, and supporting education.

⑤ Consider the regional diversity of BPs.

Ⅲ. Proposal for Proxy Operation

dONe Proxy is a delegate who is entitled to vote, which is the inherent right of the EOS token holder, prioritize the opinions or suggestions of the delegates.

If you have any improvement requests or suggestions regarding operations, please feel free to provide feedback through the channel below.

IV. About Proxy Operations

You can find reports on proxy operations, including information on individual BP candidates to be voted, regular voting updates to prevent voting decay, and recent activity trends of BPs on the following channels: Regular reports will be uploaded at least once a month.

V. Proxy setting

① Move to website by clicking this direct link and click [Add account]

② Click Scatter icon (if you using mobile device, click Mobile icon)

③ Click [Add accounts]

④ After login with Scatter desktop, Click [Vote for Proxy]

⑤ Almost done, you can see the message of transaction success.




Blockchain & Crypto Project Researcher / Early Stage Investor / Contents Creator