4 min readJun 6, 2016

Online Communication vs Offline Interaction: What Option to Choose?

The way people communicate today does not have anything in common with that observed 10 or 15 years ago. With the advent of the Internet epoch, interaction between people has changed a lot. Does this mean that it has worsened? Or, maybe, it has improved? These questions do not have an obvious answer. The only thing that is clear is the following: communication has become different! Let us have a look at some of these differences and their effect upon the way of life people lead these days.

Online Communication Merits

The availability of smartphones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets that come with Internet connection has made it possible to get in touch with any person any time of the day. It does not really matter, where exactly you are now, what you are doing or what time of the day it is — you will always have a chance to reach the person you need if you have any of these device at hand. Moreover, you can talk to your loved ones or exchange instant messages on the go, due to the widespread public Wi-Fi networks most cities offer their residents and tourists these days. No wonder, these technologies have change the way people rest, work, study, communicate, make friends and build relationships.

As mentioned above, online interaction is available everywhere and anytime. You are welcome to talk or send messages to your friends in social networks and other communication platforms. The only thing you should make sure is that the resource you use is credible and trusted. Such websites should have high quality design offering a myriad of communication options, a large client base, numerous user reviews and other characteristics that differ them from untrustworthy resources. Thousands of people join such communication platforms as, because they enjoy popularity with the users and make online interaction easy, attention-grabbing, interesting and exciting. By using such web-based services, you can be 100% sure that your online experience won’t be spoiled by frauds, scams or other malware situations, which result in frustration and disappointment. So, if you have decided to join one of such networks, take your time to learn as much as you can about it first.

Online Communication vs Offline Interaction

It goes without saying that online communication has lots of advantages. It is interesting, simple, unproblematic, convenient and pleasant. It does not require any effort or notable expenses. It connects people from all over the world and helps them get in touch with each other even if they are hundreds of miles away from each other. These merits should not be left unnoticed or underestimated. But is online communication social-friendly? Does it have any effect upon the way people communicate offline? Is this effect positive or negative?

With all the benefits web-based interaction offers modern users these days, we should admit the following: it poses threat to the way people communicate in real life. Just have a look around and you will understand what I mean. The picture you will, probably, see will not please you. You will notice people browsing through their laptops and tablets, talking on the phones or typing something in a haste. Many of them are so excited by the online communication that they just don’t see anything that is going on around them. They no longer visit cafes or other public places to make friends or talk to their acquaintances, because it is much more convenient and quick to do that in the comfort of their homes. Likewise, many people don’t go shopping or visit cinemas and theaters just because they can watch movies and concerts at home. So, why bother? This is the way human behavior becomes anti-social and this is one of the main concerns of psychologists nowadays.


The conclusion is as follows: online communication is undoubtedly a benefit in itself, but it can never replace real-life interaction with people. You can spend much time talking with a person you consider your friend, but when you need help or support, that person may not be around. This does not mean that you should stop using the merits offered by the global network. Just keep in mind that people, who really love and care for you, are always around. So, do not underestimate the importance of paying attention to them instead of spending your whole time on the web. Good luck!