4 min readSep 4, 2015

Visiting South Africa: Tips and Recommendations For Travelers

What season of the year is more suitable for visiting South Africa? What kind of transport is it better to choose for your tour? Are there any places of interest you should visit when you get there? These are only a few questions that worry most travelers, who have not been to South Africa before, but are right about to pay a visit to the country. To learn more about the place and its peculiarities, it is advisable to visit this website, so take your time to do that as soon as you can. Let us consider the most crucial factors when talking about this unusual and unique location.

What Is the Best Time to Visit South Africa?

The time of your visit to South Africa primarily depends upon the purpose of your visit and the season. The fact is that some places of interest and animals inhabiting the area can be seen only during the specific season. At the same time, the most attractive locations look even more beautiful when visited at a specific time interval. Whether you plan to go to one of the most famous South-African Safaris, take a tour around the wineries of the place, visit Cape Town, sandy beaches or get involved into any kind of sports, take your time to learn more about these places and activities in advance.

What is the Purpose Of Your Travel?

If you or your family members dream of going on safari, South Africa is exactly what you need to make this dream come true. The prevailing amount of wild animals may be seen in the Kruger National Park in the dry season that lasts from early May and up to late November. Why is that season most preferable for safari? To start with, the temperature is quite chilly, so animals don’t tend to hide somewhere in water or greenery. Secondly, the grass is much shorter during this season as compared to another seasons of the year, so it will be easier for you to see the animals and even take photos of them. The amount of mosquitoes is also less during this time of the year, which means that your chances to fall ill with malaria will be reduced almost to zero. Other safaris, besides the Kruger, are also better to attend during this season.

What About the Wineries?

South African wineries are famous all over the world. No wonder, many people are going to visit this destination to enjoy outstanding sorts of wine and visit wineries or cafes. If visiting wineries is your number-one purpose, then the Winelands region is waiting for you in summer. Though the weather is hot and dry during this season, the wineries will not be crowded with people who often visit the region is autumn and spring.

Most Popular Destinations

If your main objective when visiting South Africa is watching picturesque locations, then you will find lots of places of interest to enjoy there. These include the Drakensberg Mountains, the Cape Town sceneries, the warm ocean and white sandy beaches etc. You can rest there almost in any season. Extreme-loving fans may enjoy diving with sharks, surfing, mountain climbing and other kinds of sports since March till November, while mountain climbers visit the location primarily since December till February.

What Kind of Transport to Prefer?

Most people come to the South Africa by plain, but if you are going to stay in the region for quite a long period of time and visit several places during this time, it is better to think about a more comfortable option. What I mean is renting a car. You are welcome to look for corresponding information here. Renting a car has numerous benefits, ranging from the affordable price, comfortable ride and up to the long list of locations you will manage to visit when traveling by car. This is the most convenient and popular kinds of transport when visiting the places of interest in South Africa.

Now that you are aware of the basic tips and recommendations on visiting the South Africa, you will have more chances to spend your vacation in the best way possible! Good luck!