How to Configure Webmin on Debian 12 via Command Line

2 min readFeb 28, 2024


To install Webmin on Debian, you can use the following steps from the command line:

1. **Add Webmin Repository**:

echo “deb sarge contrib” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webmin.list

2. **Add the GPG Key**:


sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc

3. **Update the Package List**:

sudo apt update

4. **Install Webmin**:

sudo apt install webmin

5. **Access Webmin**:

- Open your web browser and go to https://your-server-ip:10000

- Proceed with the SSL warning to reach the login page.

6. **Login**:

- Enter your root or a user with sudo privileges username and password to log in.

Now you should be able to access and manage your system through Webmin!

Another way To Install Webmin on Debian 12 From Command Line, follow these steps:

1. **Update Debian Package Repository**:

sudo apt update

2. **Install Webmin**:

sudo apt install webmin

3. **Configure Webmin**:

- Open the Webmin configuration file using a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf

- Change the listen address, if needed:


- Save and close the file.

- Restart the Webmin service:

sudo systemctl restart webmin

4. **Access Webmin via Web Browser**:

- Open your favorite web browser and navigate to:


- Proceed with the security warning and log in using your Debian system credentials.

5. **Configure Firewall Rules**:

- If your firewall is running, allow traffic on port 10000:

sudo ufw allow 10000

6. **Optional Configuration**:

- Secure Webmin by using SSL:

sudo /usr/share/webmin/

7. **Further Maintenance**:

- Monitor Webmin logs:

sudo tail -f /var/webmin/miniserv.error

- Regularly update Webmin:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade webmin

By following these steps, you can configure Webmin on Debian 12 via the command line efficiently and ensure smooth system administration using the Webmin web interface!

