Resolving Python Error: Module Not Found — ‘distutils

2 min readApr 28, 2024


When encountering the “Module Not Found — ‘distutils’” error in Python, it typically indicates an issue with the availability or configuration of the ‘distutils’ module, which is a part of the Python standard library and is used for building and distributing Python modules. Here’s how you can Fix Error Module Not Found named ‘distutils’:

1. **Check Python Installation:**

Ensure that Python is correctly installed on your system. ‘distutils’ should come packaged with Python by default, so if it’s missing, it could indicate a problem with the installation.

2. **Check Python Version:**

Some Python distributions may have variations in what is included by default. Check if you are using a customized Python distribution or an older version that might not include ‘distutils’ in its standard library.

3. **Reinstall/Repair Python:**

If you suspect a corrupted installation or missing files, consider reinstalling Python. Some installations also offer a repair option that can fix missing or corrupted modules.

4. **Verify Python Environment Variables:**

Ensure that your system’s PATH environment variable includes the path to your Python installation. This variable needs to include the path to the ‘Scripts’ and ‘Lib’ folders of your Python installation to access ‘distutils’.

5. **Check for Multiple Python Installations:**

If you have multiple Python installations on your system, make sure that the correct installation is being referenced in your environment variables and that the ‘distutils’ module is present in that installation.

6. **Update Python:**

If you are using an older version of Python, consider updating to the latest stable release. Newer versions often address bugs and compatibility issues.

7. **Virtual Environments:**

If you are working within a virtual environment, it’s possible that the environment may be misconfigured or corrupted. Consider recreating the virtual environment and reinstalling any necessary packages.

After trying these steps, you should be able to address the “Module Not Found — ‘distutils’” error and successfully use the ‘distutils’ module in your Python projects. If the issue persists, it might be helpful to seek support from the Python community or forums for further assistance.

