My New Home; Medium

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readSep 1, 2020


Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

“Art is a way to express yourself, and through that, you can escape a bad situation,” -Russell Simmons. Medium is a blogging platform for people to publicly express their emotions through written works. Medium is both a website and a mobile app that is available for free use, as well as having a small monthly price for an unlimited amount of usage. Medium is one of the best ways for people to be exposed to new material that they are not usually exposed to (culture, politics, science, poems, etc.), a very simple user interface, and keeps everything organized by how long it will take to read.

Medium allows people to write about whatever they want to write about, and publish it for credit, or anonymously. There are certain guidelines for writing, like no plagiarizing, keep the profanity low, and a few other basic rules. Other than basic rules and regulations, Medium has open standards for what a person can write about and publish. People can talk about their political views, their cultures, write stories, write poetry, and just write about anything they want to write about in general. Sure, some social media platforms allow a lot of freedom in their writing, but everything on social media has a lot of criticism and backlash, whereas there really is not much negativity on Medium articles at all. People could learn more in 10 minutes of reading through small Medium articles than they could through hours of…



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I’m not really sure why I write, I always hated it in school and now I use it to convey what I don’t feel like I can say out-loud, enjoy.