Continuity & Handoff — Apple Music?

Don McAllister
1 min readAug 9, 2016


Hands up — I don’t really use Handoff between my Mac and iOS devices very much.

I might use it occasionally to transfer a browser session between Mobile Safari on my iPhone across to Mobile Safari on my iPad — when I want to read something on the bigger screen.

But Mail, Pages, Numbers…

Nah, I think I’ve used it once for Mail.

One app that is crying out for Handoff capability is Apple Music, and for some unexplained reason, it’s not there?

I would love to be able to be listening to a song on my Mac and pick it up on my iPhone as I walk away. Or be listening to a song on my iPad at the kitchen table and pick it up again on my iPhone — preferably from the same place in the track.

What about my current Apple Music queue?

Sure I’ve got Playlists that sync, but I’ve usually got a queue of songs lined up from various playlists, My Music and other sources in Apple Music. Why can’t the current Apple Music queue be passed over between devices in Handoff.

I think Apple are missing a trick with this one.

Originally published at My Own Reality.

