Creating The Perfect “About” Page for Your Small Business Website

A Good “About” Section Increases The Way Your Business is Valued and The Experience of Your Customer

Donna M Ware
3 min readNov 13, 2022

An informative and dynamic “About” page is the second most important feature of a small business website. The first, of course, is good content. But even good content leaves a visitor only guessing how you can or cannot help them.

The only real way to satisfy a consumer's curiosity is by anticipating their potential questions and answering them in the designated “about” area of your small business website.

What Information Do Potential Consumers Need

A small business “About” section should contain:

  1. Who you are
  2. What problem your small business can solve
  3. A place to feature a few of your best products and/or services
  4. A call to action(what you’d like your visitor to do next)
  5. links to other sections of your website
Love and Lemons

Who Are You?

Knowing who you are in the context of your small business takes clarity. Unfortunately, many small business owners and solopreneurs haven’t taken the time to clearly articulate their purpose.

Not just their business purpose, but their life purpose. This happens because the importance of who they/you are has never seemed important. The business always seems to be the dominant protagonist of the relationship.

Giving the illusion that it’s that owning the business gives you value. However, this thinking is flawed. You as the business owner are what people want to know. This is what gives a business life and personality.

And if you know yourself and why you created your small business, just find the words to articulate it and watch your small business take on an entirely new energy.

This is what permeates through a good “About” page and brick-and-mortar locations you want to visit time and again.

What Problem Does Your Small Business Solve

Knowing what solutions your small business website offer, will assist people in their purchase decision-making process. Is this for me? Is essentially what anyone wants to know when they take ownership of a product or initiate a service.

For example:

Statements like “because I saw the time wasted and the walls I built up from negative thinking, I changed my thinking and my life. This is why I created my blog, to show others the way…”(this is a future hope of mine).

Another example:

or statements like “As a former small business owner, I never had time to deeply research important topics like how to run a successful small business website. I was busy running my business, which had nothing to do with developing an online presense. That’s why I started a new business. To help busy small business owners get quick and easy to understand information about maintaining a sucessful small business website”(this is my personal mission).

In other words, what personally resonated with you and sparked you to build your business, let people know. They will catch the heat from your flame and feel proud of their decision to buy your goods and services.

Feature a Few of Your Best Products and Services

One question may have been on a consumer's mind when they started their Google search, but you may be able to answer several questions and resolve many issues for a potential customer.

Never underestimate your products and the satisfaction you can bring to your customers.

This will also create a loyal customer. Maybe they only planned to make a one-time purchase, but if you introduce them to other options, they will return for more. And most importantly, they’ll tell their friends about you, referring more customers to your small business website!

Call to Action

Help your visitors with the next step…have buttons to direct them to a shopping cart or links to helpful articles that explain the benefits of a service.

Do you want more followers on social media? Ask your customers to “like” and “follow” your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Do you have a newsletter? Ask your customers to subscribe.

Ask your customers if they want coupons and capture their e-mails to inform them of specials and sales.

Take The First Steps

Now that you know what a good “About” page should contain and what one looks like, put this information to work!

If you have any questions just reach out and help create your perfect small business website.



Donna M Ware

website designer, copy/content writer, reader, thinker and lover of the human experience