He asked me what I was looking for.

Donna Prevatte
5 min readMar 25, 2024


My answer was a night I will never forget.

The first time…

Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

Do you remember the moment you met your other half? Is that moment etched in stone so deeply that you will never forget it? I am one of those lucky ones that that moment was more than etched into stone; it was imprinted on my soul for the rest of my life.

I was not looking for anyone. I have had my heart hurt so many times that I was not going to have it hurt again. I was 41 and single for the first time in my life. I had my 3 children young with only my youngest still living with me.

I had decided that I was going to buy my time until she graduated. It was only one more year, so while doing that time, I began to do a little research. I had led a rather boring life before now. I was ready to let my hair down and find out what was out there that might tickle my fancy.

All of my life I hid the one thing that truly turned me on. I guess I lived my life as I thought it should be led, and not how I wanted it to be. I hid my desires so well, but it didn’t stop me from reading about it. I would read any book that had to do with rough sex and the woman giving up control.

There! That was my secret. I enjoyed rough sex while giving up control in every way. Honestly, it was deeper than that, it was the giving up of my control that turned me on. But, at that time, it was only a fantasy that I knew I would never fulfill.

Or so I thought. I was asked by a friend of mine if I would go to a meet and greet for a BDSM group she was a member of. I figured, why not? What could it hurt?

Little did I know how good it could hurt, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I had never gone to a meet and greet before. I was not sure what to expect. They were going to have a guest speaker talking on some topic, but weirdly, I cannot remember what it was about.

Again, getting ahead of myself.

I rode with my friend so I wouldn’t have to drive. When we pulled up, a man was sitting on a bench in front of us talking on his phone.

I thought to myself what a good-looking man he was. I had not thought that bald men were sexy before now. He changed that with just a single glance as I walked past him.

We went up to the bar to order a drink. There were mirrors behind the bar so that I could see everything that was going on behind me. I thought I was being sneaky about it.

The air left the room as soon as he opened the door to walk in. He put his dark sunglasses up on his forehead and then began walking my way. I told myself that this was the way to the bar if he was going to get himself something to drink. He was not walking in my direction because of me.

Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

Damn, I was wrong. Instead of going to the bar. He walked up to the table behind me and then sat down. I picked up my drink to pretend like I was not checking him out. I was not fooling him at all.

He smiled before saying, “Hello. How are you?” I looked down the rows of mirrors to see who he could be saying that to, but it was only me and my friend here at that time.

I turned my chair around, “Hello to you too.” I politely replied.

He introduces himself, “My name is Michael. What’s yours?”

I took my drink and set it on the bar to give myself even a split second to try to control my voice before speaking to him.

I turned back around replying, “My name is Donna. It is nice to meet you.”

The next question was one I would never forget. “Hello, Donna. What are you looking for?”

I knew what that meant. I hadn’t been around the community for very long, but I knew what he was asking me. Like a secret hidden in plain sight.

My answer, as it turned out, would be only the first of many things that I would give him that night. I answered simply, “I’m looking for a Dominant.”

Enjoy the story so far? Drop me a clap, maybe even a comment about where you think the night might be heading.

So, there it was. The words had barely left my lips before I even realized that I was going to say them. How did he do that? I was not looking. At least that is what I kept telling myself over and over again.

He invited us to sit at his table. The table that was maybe a little bit bigger than the bar stool I had just left. Once I took my seat my bare legs rubbed against his bare leg. It was like lightning had hit me out of nowhere. Where did that come from?

He smiled as if nothing had happened. I know he had to have felt that too. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I wanted more.

Ugh, I tried to tell my body that my brain said we weren’t looking for anything. We could look but could not touch. But I didn’t mean to touch him. It was the damn small table’s fault that I touched him, not mine.

His next question was probably the last pick-up line that I have ever heard before. All he asked was, “What is your sign?”

I thought, really, but ok. “I’m a Virgo.”

He simply replied, “Really” as his voice dropped a few octaves. Had his voice been that way the whole time?

He asks, “What month?”

I thought to myself, what is going on here? But I replied, “September.”

Again, he simply replied, “Really.” Oh, I was beginning to go crazy for that voice. “What day?”

At this point, he could have told me the sky was green and the grass was blue, and I would have followed him down the up stairs just to hear him speak more.

I replied, and again I was rewarded with that wonderful deep-voiced reply, “Really! Mine is the day before, but 9 years earlier.”

There’s no way that this was happening. But at that moment I felt like I was staring into the eyes of my destiny.

He ran his hand up my neck and into my hair. Grabbing a fist full, he growled into my ear, “Would you like to go to the afterparty with me tonight?”

Until the next episode…. Subscribe to get the latest updates on my story as it unfolds. The best is yet to come.



Donna Prevatte

I enjoy passing along my joy of the written word to open a window to another world that most people may not see otherwise.