I got suspended on Upwork: Here’s what I learned

Donnabeth Aniban
Online Freelancing Hub
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Image courtesy of Pixabay

I didn’t know I could be punished for trying so hard.

This morning, I woke up to a notification that my Upwork account had been suspended. Apparently, the many proposals I sent outweighed my contracts and earnings.

It was just a few weeks after I became active on the platform again. I had more time on my hands so I tried to exhaust my remaining connects. I think I still have half of it remaining.

I wasn’t bothered since I don’t have active contracts and I thought I could reverse the process. I messaged the help center appealing to my case. I enumerated my reasons which were instantly replied to by an automated message saying that I have to specify the reasons for my appeal and to send documents that will support my skills. That’s just what I did. Within a couple of hours, they said the suspension was final.

I’m upset because I’m most comfortable using the platform for my freelancing gig. Thanks to what I learned from the Medium community, it was easy for me to shake it off and move on. Here are the things I’ve learned:

1. Never put all your eggs in one basket.

This investment tip from Warren Buffet is also true for freelancers. It’s a good thing I have a direct client so I…



Donnabeth Aniban
Online Freelancing Hub

Mom since 2011. Filipino. Former nurse and teacher. Writer, entrepreneur, and law student atm.