Image courtesy of George Shervashidze

Too many clothes; we need to have a serious talk!


I’m inviting you to a crucial conversation about our responsibilities as consumers to make better choices. Legislation demands that companies improve their practices, but who will guide us to become better consumers? Who bears that responsibility? Should we follow our conscience, or let our wallets lead the way? What’s the answer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

“If we stopped producing clothes today, we would have enough dresses to last for the next six generations”, according to sustainability advisor Caterina Occhio. Learn more about Caterina and her views on sustainability and that of Lara Wolters, the woman behind the CSDD Directive in the video below.

A significant new directive has been adopted by the European Commission: The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), also known as CS3D {pronounced C.S. Triple D}. But what exactly is it?

The CSDDD is a European Union directive aimed at enhancing the protection of the environment and human rights globally, not just within the EU. It imposes specific responsibilities on large companies to address the negative impacts their activities may have on human rights and the environment. Companies are now legally required to take actions to prevent harm in these areas, with clear consequences outlined for failing to meet these obligations.

Importantly, these rules don’t just apply to the companies themselves but also extend to their subsidiaries and any business partners involved in their supply chains. This ensures that the entire network of businesses connected to a large company is held accountable for ethical and environmental standards.

But what does this mean for us as consumers? Who will ensure that we take responsibility for consuming better? Can we even improve when brands and retailers constantly tempt us to update our wardrobes?

Let’s discuss how we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Leave your ideas in the comments!



Donna - Innovation | Trends | Digital

Industry expert. Fashion & Design, Future of Digital Commerce, Innovation & disruption, Human-Centered Design. All that, and a dash of trend and opinion.