If Investors Don’t “Get” What Your Startup Does — You Don’t Get Funded

Donna Griffit
4 min readMay 25, 2016
Make sure they “get” your solution — So you get funded

I just finished coaching 30+ (!!!) companies for the SVOD (Silicon Valley Open Doors) Conference happening Wednesday and Thursday of this week. It’s incredible to see companies from all over the world with amazing technologies.

And it’s also very frustrating for me when I feel that a company is speaking a different language — Technese.

Sometimes Founders think that the more impressive their language, the more high-level and jargony, the smarter and more successful they will seem. There have even been those that have said to me: “Any investor that doesn’t get it, we’re not interested in meeting.” Au Contraire, Mon Frere — that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Let me make something clear — It is solely your responsibility to make sure that EVERYONE in the room “gets” it, regardless of their background or education.

The thing is — when an Investor or anyone listening doesn’t “get” what you’re saying, they will disconnect, disengage and disregard. Most likely, your engagement will end there. You might have the greatest innovation ever, but what good is it if you are the only one that understands it and sees the value?

Being able to explain your solution simply is harder than rocket science. But so rewarding. You want every…



Donna Griffit

Storyteller and Pitch Alchemist for Startups who over 18 years has helped 1000+ startups and VC's raise over $1.5 Billion. donnagriffit.com