There’s a new crop of grads eagerly looking to blaze a trail in today’s job market.

Donna Kayarian Chiacchia
1 min readMay 13, 2024

If you are one of them, here’s three considerations and three investments you should think through if you’re looking to navigate your way into consulting…

Infographic by Daryn Rowley, Daryn Rowley Design

Keep in mind, the career JOURNEY is perpetual, and never stops until you move on from your physical world.

Three should DO considerations for CLARITY, LONGEVITY, and SUCCESS:

1. WHO are you, what do you WANT and WHY?

2. HOW are you going to BENEFIT anyone and anything?

3. Do you have a BRAND and are you NETWORKING?

Three OPPORTUNITIES to INVEST your time — Let’s do a G.U.T. (Is it Good, is it Useful, is it True) Check:

👉 GOOD STUFF: Visit the Innovation & Knowledge Center at

👉 USEFUL STUFF: Complete a Business Formation Discovery Questionnaire

👉 TRUE STUFF: A successful professional life takes a continuous investment in yourself.

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Donna Kayarian Chiacchia

I help people build transformational businesses that achieve market share authority.