De-Stress on The Spot — Like The SuperHero You Are

Donnamarie Jurick
3 min readMar 2, 2019


A lot of people ask me what they can do to calm down on the spot right before they’ve gotta to do something big — when they’ve gotta feel totally on their game. The answer to this is using High Performance Mindsets, Flow & Fear Mastery skills, but here is something I also recommend to clients.

There’s a breath technique that’s really useful for Stage 2 of the Flow State Cycle: The Release. This is right before you get into a Flow State to take impactful, purposeful action — like having a super important meeting, taking the stage, or before going up to the start line for a major race, etc. It also works to calm you down to get to sleep.

Professionals and competitors in high stakes situations use it: first responders, military and athletes. It counteracts the big doses of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, that can cloud your thinking and responses in stressful situations. It mitigates nervousness and helps you maintain clarity, confidence and focus.

This form of breathing is a proven and fast way to calm down and get centered on the spot because it activates your para-sympathetic nervous system — your rest and digest response. This directly resets your energy and bodymind in amazingly good ways.

I’ve used my breath to prepare for ‘do or die’ situations as an Action Adventure Athlete. As as a bodymind medicine nerd who’s tried a ton of techniques and former Ashtanga Yoga Instructor — this is my absolute favorite.

It’s Box Breathing.

This form of Pranayama is known as ‘Sama Vritti’ and its variation is ‘Visama Vritti’.

Most Box Breathing instructions I see around — tell you to just breathe into your lungs, but belly breathing is way more powerful — and the best way to breath all the time.

Ok, here’s what to do:


1. Breathe in through your nose while counting to 4.

2. Hold while counting to 4.

3. Breathe out through your mouth while counting to 4.

4. Hold while counting to 4.

5. Repeat as much as you feel is right for you in the moment.


So with this one, I make my inhalations and exhalations the same, usually about 6–7 seconds — and the holds are shorter like 4. Experiment and find out what works best in the moment for what you’re doing.


  • Ground and center yourself in your body (I often put my hands on my solar plexus or my hips while I do this)
  • Imagine your breath filling your belly and then every cell of your body (note: belly breathers will naturally breathe into their bellies first–-I breathe this way all the time)
  • Adjust the count for your breath sets to whatever works best in the moment — let your intuition guide you
  • Move your breath into tension spots in your body — while you move those parts or hold that spot with your hands (I often move my head from side to side to release neck tension)
  • Do these breath exercises in the body position to best prep you for the action you’re going to take. Example: If I’m going to walk on stage, I do it standing. If I’m going to make an important call, I do it standing or sitting. If I’m wanting to calm my body to go to sleep, I do it laying down

Cheers to making your BREATH WORK for you! It’s POWERFUL on so many levels.

I hope this helps you get your Calm and Centered Game on Strong!

And hey, if you like this give it some claps and-or a comment.

If you want to learn more…check out my free video training: Get Your High Performance, Flow & Fearless Soul on Speed Dial



Donnamarie Jurick

High Performance, Flow State & Fear Expert. Action Adventure Athlete. Trainers’ Trainer. Artist. Xploring Performance-Creativity-Leadership-Consciousness