Python vs C#: which is the best programming language to learn first?

5 min readSep 20, 2022


Getting into coding can be tough. The toughest part? Deciding what language to learn first. When it comes to Python vs. C#, it can be tough to know what to factor into your decision. We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about these all-star programming languages.

What is C#?

Since C# was developed in 2000 as part of the Microsoft Visual Studio, it’s been a favourite among developers, including new coders. It marked a turning point in tech because of its emphasis on simple code, and its modern features that keep it scalable and robust across updates.

C# is set apart from other general purpose programming languages because it’s both object-oriented and component-oriented. Being object-oriented means that the code is organized around data rather than logic, and being component-oriented makes it friendly to reusing code, so it’s no wonder that C# is a go-to when creating and using software components.

Companies like Microsoft, Alibaba, Accenture, and Stack Overflow love C# for its ability to build applications and websites. As well, C# works well with the game engine Unity, making it popular for building games with, especially in AR/VR.

What makes it cool

There’s tons of things that we like about C#. Here’s what makes us think wow:

  • Simple, without pointers or operators
  • Good memory management and automatic garbage collection without the need for explicit code
  • Type-safe
  • Scalable
  • Compiler automatically initializes values to 0 or null
  • Supports OOP concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, interfaces, etc.
  • Prevents unsafe casts
  • Interoperability
  • Backward compatibility
  • Uses Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
  • Designed as part of part .NET platform which allows for interoperability with applications written in C++, F#, Visual Basic, and PowerShell
  • Part of the C family of programming languages which makes it easier to learn C, C++, and Java
  • Single IDE for development (Visual Studio)
  • Loads of documentation
  • Large community

What makes it suck

Even a coding language that prevents unsafe casts isn’t perfect. Here are some of the things that aren’t great about C#:

  • Poor GUI
  • It needs to be compiled before being executed
  • Hard to learn
  • Need to purchase the software
  • Highly dependent on .NET platform which reduces flexibility
  • Has to be Windows-based — poor portability
  • Single IDE for development (Visual Studio)

If C# isn’t shaping up to be your favourite, never fear. Let’s take a look at Python.

What is Python?

Chances are, if you’re looking for an easy way into learning how to code, you’re probably starting with Python. There’s lots of reasons why people love it, and one of those is because it’s one of the easiest languages to learn. Since it came out in 1991, Python has been winning people over because of its readability.

A general purpose programming language, Python is also high-level and interpreted. With an object-oriented design, it lets you define your data and how it behaves. One thing that makes it extra nice for those learning to code is the fact that it has lots of libraries, meaning that you don’t have to start from scratch when you code.

Python is beloved by first timers, seasoned coders, and big companies. It’s a key part of the tech stack for companies like Google, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, and Dropbox. This language is incredibly versatile, used for deep learning and machine learning, but also AI and IoT.

What makes Python cool

We won’t deny it — we love Python. Here are some of its greatest hits:

  • Simple syntax makes it easy to write, maintain, and debug
  • Great for experimentation
  • Easy to learn
  • Has built-in data structures and dynamic binding and typing to make development fast
  • Modules and packages provide modularity and allow you to reuse code
  • One of the fastest programming languages (least amount of code)
  • Cross-compatible
  • Portable language
  • Interactive shell lets you test things before you implement them
  • Extensive library and tools
  • Excellent structure and support for large programs
  • Automatic garbage collection
  • Can be integrated with Java, C#, and C++

What makes Python suck

We love Python, but it’s not perfect. Here’s why:

  • It is interpreted, which takes longer to run
  • Bugs will not be found until that line of code is triggered, so it’s less stable
  • Not used in app development because it’s poor for mobile computing
  • Primitive database access layer
  • Can only execute one thread at a time

C# vs. Python comparison

Both languages have their pluses and minuses, and it can be tough to keep everything straight. Here’s your quick breakdown of the key differences between Python and C#:

Python vs C#: which should I learn first?

Both of these programming languages are robust and beloved for being high-level and object-oriented. You’ll find that both deliver fast development and good performance and can be used pretty interchangeably.

If you’re wondering if C# is easier than Python, the answer is yes: the learning experience of Python is easier, though we have to admit that it’s really not bad for C# either. Python also has lots of libraries that make coding a lot easier because you’re not doing it from scratch. Still, while Python is generally considered to be easier to learn, C# can give you a leg up as a first language since it’s transferable to other languages in the C family, like C, C++, and Java.

While Python is known for having concise, legible code, C# runs faster and is also clearer and more organized. When it comes down to which one to choose, the answer is more to do with personal preference than any technical specifications. If you’re new to coding, Python will probably be easier. Still, your decision is more about what you’re most comfortable with rather than the wrong language for a project. No matter what, you’ll be building with something great.

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