The Best VS Code Setup For Any or noobish PHP Developer.

Don Peterson N. Umoke
2 min readDec 4, 2018


For those of us, php-landers, who like experimenting with code editors to just know which has a better set of extensions, autocomplete, intellisense, and all around imitation of our favorite IDE’s, You are welcome TO LAND OF VISUAL STUDIO CODE.

Let me be honest with you.. Getting a new code editor is fine… its awesome… BUT… the biggest payoff is knowing the lay of the land. And Believe me when i tell you that Visual Studio Code(VS Code for short) is actually the right tool for you. No code editor comes close to what VSCode is packing(except IDE’s of course)… okay maybe sublime text …. But not even close…

    Let me get it off my chest, this is the first thing you should be installing once you install vs code, its the best extension for php, (no offense to felix becker). Plus, it comes with a code formatter, good bye to the nasty unclean code… Read more about the features here.
    This plugin basically gives styling and color hints when editing any .htaccess file. Read more about the features here
  3. Auto Comment Blocks
    This extension basically allows to add native support to block comments in languages not fully supported by vscode. Pretty handing when working in scss, typescript or php. Read More about it here.
  4. cdnjs
    With this extension installed, you dont looking for a resource or asset like jquery, vuejs, flexslider on a cdn. Just search, select and insert the resource and you are good to go.
  5. PHP DocBlockr
    Its asimple, dependency free PHP specific DocBlocking package. Its basically a Basic PHP DocBlocking extension.
  6. PHP XDebug
    This is one of the plugins that i have found to be useful that felix becker wrote. Its the Only One of its kind.

This is basically not all the extensions i wanna show you guys, but i will be writing any 10 next time. cheers.

