How I Used Mindfulness to Stop Impulsive Eating

Don Simkovich, MA
Hey Don: The Days of Don Simkovich
6 min readJun 18, 2019


Mindful practices gave me a break from my do-or-die lifestyle.

“Mindfulness” was something I dismissed when I first heard about it at a business networking event. It sounded abstract and vague. The person who mentioned it to me was a management consultant for businesses and said he practiced it.

My spiritual component was reading from the Bible each day, but he described how that wasn’t what he meant by mindfulness. He said take several minutes a day and don’t think about work, family crisis — anything.

Every day for me was a torrent of to-dos. We had lived through a prolonged family crisis and I was struggling to reignite my career. Taking a mental break was became critical and I learned to slow down and not rush.

I used mindfulness to break a vicious cycle of emotional eating, rising above challenges and discouragement, and use the approach to organize my writing business and career.

Eating Too Much, Too Late

2011 was a tough year for me as I tried re-grouping from a family chaos and upheaval along with bitter career disappointments. Home was never a safe and quiet place for several years prior. In my life, it’s where the battle took place with a collection of teens heading into young adult years.

Ringing phones, slamming doors, yelling and general confusion flooded our home from morning until…



Don Simkovich, MA
Hey Don: The Days of Don Simkovich

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.