The secret trans literature “THEY” don’t want you to know about!

Hacsi Horvath
6 min readApr 2, 2019

Many people don’t realize that WPATH has its very own pseudo-medical journal called the International Journal of Transgenderism (IJT). Another secret is hidden is plain sight, an elephant that sits in the living room of the “Digital Transgender Archive.” I will tell you about both.

Back when the IJT started up in 1997, the journal still published useful, sensible articles on occasion that by now would be considered incredibly “transphobic.” For example, in 1997 the IJT published a fascinating article on “Narcissistic Pathology and Personality Factors in Gender Dysphoric Patients.” Another paper was critical of “medicalized” transgenderism. In 1998, the famous Dutch researchers published an article exploring “regret” in 10 men and women who had fallen for the lying transprop. Articles and conference abstracts considering autogynephilia were welcomed. There is even an article exploring the question of whether the mass media might have some influence on young women developing “identities” based on masculine sex role stereotypes.

The journal also re-published historical works, such as Wålinder’s 1967 case series of 43 “trans” patients, and Cauldwell’s 1949 classic, “Psychopathia Transsexualis.” They also published an English version of Pfäfflin and Junge’s “Sex Reassignment. Thirty Years of International Follow-up Studies After Sex Reassignment Surgery: A Comprehensive Review, 1961–1991.” I will come back to this particular text in a moment.

From 1997 to 2002, the journal was published on the web site of a German publisher, Symposion. There was plenty of the usual bogus pseudo-science in the articles of that era, but some articles would have thrown today’s trans activists into towering tizzies of narcissistic rage.

Then, there seems to have been a hiatus until 2005. The news suddenly came of a new publisher, Haworth. Times had changed. Transgenderism was increasingly recognized to be serious business. Monkey business was no longer allowed, and published articles increasingly reflected the propaganda, incompetence, bias and aggrieved demands that characterize darn near all of “trans” pseudo-scientific literature today.

A minute or two later, Taylor & Francis took over as publishers. Something funny happened. They incorporated the Haworth issues in their archive, but not the 1997–2002 Symposion issues. Did the IJT’s editors wish to avoid having the “questionable” old material in the archive? What journal would try to suppress its first few years of work? Soon, the Symposion web site with the 1997–2002 issues of IJT was gone forever.

Or was it? It seems that the “Wayback Machine” had preserved the evidence.

[EDIT, 24 April 2019: My apologies. I have just learned that the 1997–2002 issues are in fact still online. I had typed in the former Symposion web address (, and got a “not found” error. I searched in Google for “International Journal of Transgenderism,” and in the first three pages of results found only records relevant to the current incarnation. It seems that someone in the Netherlands had downloaded the issues from the Symposion site and put them online. This web address is in the Netherlands: . Anyway, I’m sorry about this. And still, the journal’s current incarnation does not point the way!]

None of those early issues can be searched for with Google. And astonishingly, even now, after 22 years, the IJT is not indexed in PubMed or Embase, the two most important databases of scientific literature. Why not? Incompetence?

Even sillier, raging cultists have declared that use of the word “transgenderism” is now transphobic. They don’t like it because it ends in -ism, like narcissism and priapism. And yet it is still in the name of WPATH’s journal.

Estimates of suicide attempts

Coming back to the work of Pfäfflin and Junge, mentioned above. Some readers may have seen my article on 4th Wave Now in which I show that the widely-cited “41%” rate of suicide attempts in people who believe they are “trans” is junk science, based on convenience samples. Estimates I found in better-quality studies were consistent with rates seen in other populations who may have some similarities in terms of their experience in society: People with mental illness; people who had been bullied; and lesbians and gay men. Rates varied by setting, but generally ranged from 3% up to a maximum of 30%. Rates of “medically serious” attempts were much lower. I have not read much of Pfäfflin and Junge’s 1998 book describing long-term follow-up of supposed “transsexuals,” but I did find something, as I glanced through it briefly, that corroborates my findings:

To determine the pre-surgical suicidal tendency the use of a bigger sample description independent of follow-up literature is useful. Among 479 MTF and 285 FTM who were examined in the Gender Dysphoria Program in Palo Alto, California (USA), 25.5% of the MTF and 19% of the FTM immediately before or a longer time before the treatment started had attempted suicide (Dixen et al., 1984). In the same dimensions are the figures from The Netherlands. According to them, of 168 MTF, 19.3% had attempted suicide before treatment start and of 55 MTF, 18.6% had tried it prior to treatment (Verschoor & Poortinga, 1988). In 18 of the follow-up studies referred to here are indications about the pre-operative suicidal tendencies. In a major number of publications, it is around 20% or even higher (e.g., Hoenig et al., 1971; Wålinder & Thuwe, 1975; Wyler, 1978; Sörensen, 1981 a, b; Kuiper & Cohen-Kettenis, 1988; Dudle, 1989; Wiesbeck & Täschner, 1989; Stein et al., 1990). Throughout all, one can find the difference between the relatively high suicidal tendency of the MTF and the relatively low one of the FTM.

As I suggest in my previous article, it is unlikely that the “transphobia”-related suicide attempt rate for this population has actually grown higher as the decades passed! Wasn’t everything so much more “transphobic” in the old days? SPOILER: There is no such thing as “transphobia.” It is a gimmick deployed by the trans industry and trans cult members as a means to get what they want.

The golden age of transgenderism

And now for the second scandalous secret. By 2019, we are expected to accept without question all kinds of blatantly false transpropaganda; really, anything that they dream up and demand, e.g. that men who say they are “women” are correct, that indeed they are “biologically female,” and that these men do not have autogynephilia. Not only expected to accept: In some places, we could be punished or even jailed if we don’t play along. It didn’t used to be this way.

It wasn’t so long ago that these guys knew they were men; straight guys who called themselves transvestites, cross-dressers and the now-forbidden T-word. They attended conventions “en femme” and over some years, slowly but inexorably worked themselves into frantic states of rumination and madness, a deeply insane yearning to “transition.” But even after they abandoned their marriages, pumped themselves up with synthetic estrogen and had their genitals inverted, only the craziest would insist that they were actually “women.”

There is now something called the “Digital Transgender Archive,” a searchable repository of transvestite lore. Someone actually scanned many thousands of cloyingly narcissistic transvestite magazines, photographs, cartoons and works of autogynephilic short fiction, and put it all online. It seems like a stunningly bad idea to have made this thing, from the perspective of maintaining the orthodoxy of trans ideology, Most of what one finds in in this archive is precisely what trans activists would like to pretend does not exist, because of course they were “born this way.” It is jam-packed with reports of autogynephilic escapades. I imagine there will some day be an uproar in transworld and most of the archive will be deleted. This very article will be lucky to last a week!

The next time some bro-in-a-bra tries to tell you such an absurd statement as “trans women are women,” or that he is a “lesbian,” remember his predecessors in the immortal pages of “Letters from Female Impersonators.”

Well, this concludes my article.

By the way, NO-ONE is “trans.”



Hacsi Horvath

I make somewhat obsessive one-minute films about birds.