Open source at companies: get newly published repositories by companies every day

2 min readDec 10, 2019


Are you actively looking for an awesome opensource project which is maintained by a company like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, and co and is at the beginning of an engineering phase or just looking for newly published open-source projects by companies to keep up to date with new frameworks, tools, etc?

I’m a software engineer and I had a few months ago a very important problem… I wanted to start watching at the engineering processes of big companies like Facebook while an early stage-phase of an opensource project to learn new things about software engineering but unfortunately, I couldn’t find anywhere a platform that is providing me feed for such projects. This was the reason why I created “" to solve this problem and I was totally surprised and amazed by how frequently all kinds of companies publishing new things every week.

My app has reached alpha status.

Current feature set

  • Simple voting
  • Authentication via GitHub (Login/logout)
  • Publishing of new repositories
  • Ranked news feed

Upcoming features

  • Filtering by voting
  • Company overview page
  • Recommendations for users
  • User overview page included with voted repositories
  • Search for a tech stack

I’m would be very glad if you could provide some feedback about this app.

Thank you for your support! :)

