How to apply for Mauritius Student visa from India?

Dony Nallacheru
2 min readNov 1, 2021


Mauritius study visa guide

Education in abroad is a dream for many students. Considering the living expenses and visa fee charges, most of them don’t aim to make their dreams into reality. But, what if a top destination offers education at an affordable fee structure and living expenses? Yes, Mauritius is one such destination offering many opportunities for an international student to study and live. By obtaining the Mauritius student visa, a student can experience many benefits and lead a unique lifestyle at a reputed destination.

If you are aiming to study in Mauritius, then this blog is a guide for you to understand about Mauritius Student Visa.

What is Mauritius Student Visa?

Mauritius student visa is a permit that enables a non-citizen of the country to study full-time or part-time in a tertiary educational institution that is registered with a Tertiary Education Commission, or in a Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) institution registered with the Mauritius Qualifications Authority.

It is essential for the candidate who is willing to study in Mauritius to achieve a seat in the Tertiary Educational Institution or a TVET institution registered with the Tertiary Education Commission or the Mauritius Qualification Authority.

Once the Mauritius Student visa obtained, a student will be declared for many great benefits.

For more Information Visit this page.



Dony Nallacheru

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