This is the right time to be mindful about yourself

Explore your self while self-isolating

Doodle Kit Project
4 min readApr 5, 2020


There is no doubt that the world is going through some tough times right now. I know it is tough to keep your distance from your loved ones, but the entire world is fighting collectively for the bigger cause. While self-isolation or social distancing is the only weapon against COVID-19, it sometimes gets on our nerves when we know that we can’t get out.

Out is where we want to go and we can’t go there right now so why not take a walk on the inside. By inside I mean your self. When was the last time you truly asked yourself about yourself? Let us go together on this beautiful journey to explore what is happening on the inside. Take some deep breaths with me.


1. Be Still

Be still to move on the inside

You’re probably reading this text while sitting, laying down or standing. Wherever you are, I only want you to focus on this text as you read it (try not to move so much). Talk to yourself.

There’s a switch that turned on: “Okay, I have to focus now, cool”. I am going to explore about myself. For next few minutes I am not going to pay attention to any notifications or noises.

Now, I will take a deep breath. Inhale……..Exhale. I will be still. I am still.

Being mindful of the self is not a skill, but a natural lever that pulls to peace

2. How am I feeling?

Think about yourself

Genuinely, how do I feel about myself right now? I know that I am alive and I know that I am doing everything that I am supposed to. I am here because I am supposed to be here. But, how does that make me feel?

Please switch to a note taking application and write about how you are feeling right now.

What emotion I feel depends on the choices that I am making, have made and will be making in the future. These choices are in my hand. By being conscious about how I feel, and accepting that my feelings are in my hand, I can truly understand how I feel about myself and how I react to those feelings, mentally and physically.

Please read your feelings again that you have written and accept them with an openness to work on your future self.

To be aware of myself is to be one with everything around me

3. How my other halves are feeling?

Think about your people

Most of the time I spend with other people are the people at my home. My husband, my wife, my parents, my kids, my friends, my roommates, how are they feeling? What are they thinking about? I am going to ask them today how they are feeling. I will listen wholeheartedly and thank them for being there.

Please ask a couple of people if not all about how they are feeling truly in this moment. Please write the answers in your notes and reflect on how you felt.

To be aware of the people around me is to take care of our future

4. How are the things around me?

You are a coffee mug too

I am a collection of atoms and atoms is what the things around me are made of. I animate during the day, the things around me don’t. All the things around me, animating or not, are careful arrangement of atoms that make up life.

Ask “How are you?” to the phone or laptop you’re reading this text on. I am connected to everything around me. They are alive, just not in my perceptions. Essentially, I am everything and everything is me.

Have a conversation with some things around just the way you would do with a live person. Write your thoughts in the notes.

Reflect on your emotions.

There are a lot of things that are within which can get a little of your attention these days. We may have a lot of questions concerning the current situation and we may sometimes feel like being on the edge, but let me tell you, all of this is temporary and it will be past in the near future. What we can do is take care of ourselves and take care of who need you right now.


Written By: Rahul Sharma


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