Why intuition is the backbone of original creations?

understand the power of your creative instinct

Doodle Kit Project
6 min readOct 1, 2019

There is a lot of stuff around us. We experience the availability of the potentially unlimited content on our social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook; art through different mediums, fashion, culture, the music, you name it. There is so much content available that it becomes extremely easy to flick through them for potential inspiration and apply the elements to create something quickly. If you pay attention to how your creations (drawings, paintings, music, photography, literally anything that you have produced) are coming to life, you may know it.

The idea of creating something new is sometimes compromised for the idea of creating something which is going to get more recognition. Time tested techniques work but as a creator, there is a very thin line between what is getting liked and what you would like for the world to see and in turn, like.

What drives you as a creator? Why do you create what you create?

I am going to safely say it, you want to see a change in the world, that’s why you create. The meaningful changes in the world will be genuinely accepted with the right dignity only when they, in their true nature, have a unique story behind them. And that is where you are going to play your part. Well, I mean your instinct is going to play its part and tap into your intuitive thinking process.

1. Is it Intuition or Instinct?

Instinct is your innate behavior, a complex intertwined pattern of emotions and actions that theoretically define you as an individual. Intuition is your ability to understand something without the need for much reasoning.

Your intuition is a part of your instinctual disposition. You don’t need to learn it mainly because you are born with it. It’s mostly like reading between the lines but without even reading that much. “Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong”.Get it? That’s it!

Why do I want to talk about instincts and intuitions is because I need to say that the same instincts and intuitions play a significant role almost close to playing the protagonist in the life story of creative thoughts. And who doesn’t love the protagonist? So why not love its manifestation in our creativity and pay attention to it on a regular basis?

You are driven by your heart, you are driven by your talent and you are driven by your instinct and if you start to question and look what people are doing to the left of you or to the right of you, you are gonna lose that clarity of thought.

-Anna Wintour

2. The power of your creative instinct

If you have taken a course in any field, read a book about anything, you have experienced the power of a human being’s creative instinct. I am not talking about the writing or the storytelling, I am talking about the content; the very foundation of the subject matter.

All of the stuff that you read, study and try to apply in your lives were once the brainchildren of human creativity. The rules of design, Pythagorean theorem, subject, form, shapes, and their relationships are the results of the human instinct. They are not rules to blindly accept but are open-ended statements which you can always question but not many do because these rules have been accepted and they work in this supply-demand of world.

There is only one element that allows you to tap into your intuitive creative thoughts in the purest way possible and that is paying attention to yourself.

3. Pay attention to yourself and realize how you think

Take a half-hour, an hour or two but pay attention to yourself.

  1. Make sure you are alone in the room
  2. Play some relaxing music, using earphones will be better
  3. Close your eyes, cut the outside noises and thoughts for some time
  4. Listen to the music and really pay attention to how you are feeling with each string, drum, vocals, tempo, bass, and the harmony getting created when all of the instruments are playing together.
  5. Harness the power of your emotions and visualize what you are feeling while your eyes are closed.
  6. Let your heart and brain do the work, lose yourself, unleash your thoughts, it’s your territory now.

4. Please make your own rules or don’t make any

Being truly creative is knowing that you are happy with what you are creating. Truly happy, with no apologies. Your creations need time for with time comes love, affection, and understanding. To achieve this you need to understand who you are and how you work.

Rules can’t control that. Make your own rules and stick to them. “But what if they don’t work?” Well, they are going to work if you are ready to take on the challenges that come with adopting your own rules. Challenges faced by one will be subjective but you got to know and remember that “you are leading, you are not following and it is very important to keep this in mind every time you create.”

Compare yourself with the revered artists. You don’t want to know what Sanju from Sector 17 is doing. You need to know how your process is different from that of Picasso, Einstein or M.F. Hussain.

So, please make your own rules. If (insert any famous creator) could, I can!

5. Always remember to take information, only to take it, and experiment

In the end, because there are so many creative people around you, listen to the information that they have to offer. You can process it, mold it, and try to incorporate it in your next creations but in the end, it has to come from “who you are”.

Experimentation also becomes a crucial part of creating something that is personal and original. Don’t worry about the results. If there is even a speck of mistake that you can’t tolerate, revise or possibly redo while managing your time. You may have to lose some sleep on it but the next day’s sleep is going to be better.

Your instinctual creativity along with the bridge of intuitions is the backbone of your original creations.

We strive for originality, passion, and work that gives chills. If you can do that to yourself, you are truly powerful. A simple thing of believing in yourself while cutting the outside influences can take you through the journey of your life in the present moment.

Take a look at the cups in the post, they use experimentation, different mediums for creating an object having no inherent meaning. It’s that simple.

own your decisions and own who you are but without apology — Wintour


Written By: Rahul Sharma

©2019 DoodkeKitProject

Images used in this post are the property of Doodle Kit Project

