4 min readJan 15, 2023


Society is gradually making a shift into various forms of social ideas and the world is changing rapidly with all that comes with it.One thing that we all can not deny is that the last two decades have produced those who are not emotionally well built and that is crystal clear by the number of suicide cases among the young population that has sky rocketed.But what are some of the reasons of the emotional instability,high crime rates among the youth and how the decay is consistently going to affect their future.


In the West in particular, this is clearly taking an upward trajectory that even those who who want to embrace traditional familial set up can not stay long enough to see their kids into adulthood. Radical feminism and the incoming gynocentric society as well as the support women get from the state is a obviously detrimental to the most fundamental entity of the society which is the family. 75% of divorce cases are initiated by women, it is even worse if she is a college graduate.Now, the man who was married to this woman has no say about what he has worked for half of his life,his property which could be a house is taken from him and he is rendered homeless. In most cases,he is not given full custody of his children and they have to grapple with the emotionally unsettling scene and that is detrimental to their sanity. Recently, a guy shot his five kids,the wife and himself when the wife filed for divorce.I am not claiming he did the right thing but it is so stressing to lose your kids and property after all that hard work, the future and the culmination of striving is taken from them rapildy,it is unsettling.

But what next?

Research is cristal clear on the effects of fatherlessness among children.If you disregard provision which in the US and other Western countries the man is obligated to pay by the government, a greater extent of these divorced men are not in a position to have acess to their kids, partly because of the restriction from government policies.Such kids have the highest number of juvenille deliquences,are prone to obesity,are less educated, emotionally unstable and are likely to be divorced should they consider getting married in future.Recent studies have also maintined that single fathers have more positive outcome than single mothers in parenting.This clearly demonstrates that there is a trap for men and the society that is on a steady decline, the catastrophes of life that will fall on the type of generation we got should not be underestimated.The fight on men is not a single entity but it is for the long run so that a society breeds weak men who are not discplined and competent,more confused and committing grave crimes.


Many celebrities in Kenya and in the West have accepted and started encouraging opposite sex clothing. Some may argue that well they are creating content and that it is not a big deal but 20 years ago that behaviour was not consistent as it is today.To showcase a man dressed as a woman is the initial confusion that young men copy now and find that they can act or have relationships with their fellow men when literally they have a straight biological inclination and have never manifested otherwise before they turned eighteen.To allow men or rather encourage men to emote and behave in feminine character is not going to do them any good.The same is accepted as women who are encouraged to act like men,which should not be confused by taking responsibility but it is clearly evident that the more feminine a woman is,the more desirable she is.Masculine women who have a bossy bitchy attitude are almost always lonely and craving male dominance and desire which to some extent is difficult to acquire because that is not what the society is propagating. Weak feminine men will always be detested by women.It makes them resentful because they are more of a mother to the man than a wife to a husband and that's no picnic.


So many instances I have heard adults maintain that my behaviour is because of this and that and that accept me as I am.It is like saying that all my psychological baggage should be entertained because my childhood was rough and that you have to contend with narcissistic and manipulative tactics from me.Now, once you become an adult,if you are emotionally unstable, quit dating, quit dragging people to your negative uncooth emotional tendencies and wait till you are completely healed after seeking therapy. The world is already unkind and to have the task of acting as emotional tampoon to someone is not being a gentleman or being a wife material.In fact you will be drained to the core and will waste your life into misery thinking that you are Jesus who should be saving the lost,not your job,the lemon is not worth the squeeze.If you take accountability for your actions, make more meaningful consciously orientated decisions, you can be on a better trajectory than the the current crop of what society wants to propagate.Make a decision this year and follow the right path and may the day break!


Writer,Researcher,Clinical Officer, Blogger and Student of Life