Stages of Finals Week

Door of Clubs
5 min readDec 9, 2015


Hello my fellow procrastinators, it’s your social media maestro Mike, here to help you avoid studying for your finals. You’re so close to the end of the semester you can already taste the home cooked meals, the feel of the tile on your feet when you’re showering without sandals on, and the sign of relief when you turn on your computer and have no problems with the Wi-Fi. The only thing stopping you from this stress free month long recharge is….Finals Week.

If you’re anything like me, you definitely have not started studying, writing your final papers, and you’re beginning to regret all those times you accidentally slept through your alarm. Before we really hit the books, let’s just take few minutes to laugh, cry, and more importantly, enjoy our final moments to ourselves by reading this blog post.


When you realize you have only two weeks to prepare for finals:

And you start to get stressed thinking about how many classes you actually skipped:

The moment you decided you’re going to use the weekend to start studying:

But then you get back to your room and your roommate is looking at you like:

And you’re just like:

So you wake up the next morning looking like this and you have to go to the library to meet your study group:

When you only show to your study group hoping that there will be food:

When you open your computer to check your BlackBoard and get overwhelmed with all the work you have to do, but somehow you blink and end up on Netflix:

When you want to avoid studying so you call your parents to complain about how much work you have to do and they don’t really care:

When you begin to calculate the lowest possible grade you can get on your final and still manage to pass the course:

When you want to avoid doing work so bad that you would rather write a blog post than start your 10 page paper due next week:

When you’re in the library trying to read a textbook you haven’t touched all semester:

When it’s 10 p.m. and you still haven't started your paper:

When it’s 2 a.m. and you’re still in the library:

Caffeine hitting you like:

*Still in the library*

When you’ve written every thing you possible can but still need to make the word count:

When you finish your paper but still have to do an annotated bibliography:

When you finally get into your bed and your alarm goes off:

When you’re walking to your final and you have to give yourself a quick pep talk:

After your pep talk you’re just like:

And then your teacher hands you the test and it has nothing that was on the study guide on it:

And you're just sitting at your desk like:

After you finished your test and honestly have no idea what you wrote:

When your friends ask you how your finals went and you don’t care because you’ve finished and you’re heading home:

Happy Finals Week Everyone! May the Odds Be Forever in Your Favor! Good luck :)

