Dora Wang
5 min readMar 23, 2018


My Process, My Progress


I begin with an exploration of ideas.

What effect has digital technology had on contemporary painting? Mark Godfrey, curator of international art at Tate Modern, discusses a new display of paintings from the last ten years exploring how artists negotiate the world if iPads, scanners and smartphones. How do painters confront a world where screens are so present in our lives? Painters have to ask what kind of attention do they want to bring to their artwork and the experience of painting. How can present-day painters make that moment different from images on a screen? A lot of the painters, including Laura Owens who was featured in the show, use layers to show this difference. Christopher Wool created a painting with spray paint, brushes and rags and then goes on to use a photograph of the same painting and manipulates the photograph digitally, using different technologies to mess around with the traditional image making processes. Another artist, Jacqueline Humphries is interested in a world where we’re hit by the glow of our screens and she creates a work where glow happens but in an unpredictable way. The light changes depending on the source of light.




How can you hijack a viewer’s sensorium

How our perception of time changes




Happy Soul, Art’45 Unlimited Basel- Kantarovsky surrounded a simple black and white painting of a single male nude with series of colorful projections and set the whole thing to a Motown soundtrack. The changing images interacted with the static figure. He makes a reference to the frustrations of the creative process.

The Impact of Technology on Art and Artists: http://www.midanmasr.com/en/article.aspx?ArticleID=200

Just as arts is the secretion of any given society’s culture, the culture of this society — conversely — is the mirror and outcome of these arts.

The new challenge is that today’s artists find it more harder now than ever to present something that is original and innovative. They now need to exert themselves and stretch their imagination to succeed. Artists face the new challenge of creating distinctive artwork in the face of the many recent technological advances that have diversified the art world.

Have the projection similar images working with the painting

Software to Research: touch designer, processing for projection mapping

Content of the painting: are traditional techniques the new trend in contemporary art?


Content Research: The Human Touch

Digital technology and modern techniques have had the strongest impact on the art of painting and drawing. In the past, painting and drawing depended on the artist’s skills; now, artists can operate with a click of the mouse.

Software Research: Projection Mapping on Processing (https://fh-potsdam.github.io/doing-projection-mapping/processing-keystone/)

Idea Development:

  • black and white painting figure painting
  • underpainting
  • manipulate the black and white image (color, texture) through animations that illustrate what artists can now do with a computer
  • layers of color
  • finish the process of adding layers of color through computer animated videos

Future Steps: Start sketching the fixed painting, figure out how to project two different types of processing animation


Our midterm presentation and write up was due today, forcing me to refine my concept and my project.(https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qnLVMpTRUWj5M-gSAm2cWCbPD7o45nqoIWl6pFsJFkA/edit#slide=id.g30fda37d2b_0_47)

This image was clearly taken on an iPhone due to its dimensions, commenting on this new form of documentation that results from rising technology. This person is also using traditional art practices as he draws with pen and paper.

This image has very high contrast .

What did painters paint back when the internet didn’t exist?

What did painters paint 100 years ago versus what do they paint now?

Painting was a tool for documentation and memory, but after photography, painting almost forced to become abstract because painters wanted their work to be different from the work of photographers.

We now use technology as a form of documentation. We do this with phones when we used to do this with painting.

Future Research: James King- classical illustrator, procreate


I began my painting process.





Previously, I had planned on projecting layers of color as an animation created by screen recordings based on the recreation of this painting on the iPad application, Procreate. However, I did not have enough time to recreate this painting digitally, as the painting took much longer than I had expected. I sat down and thought about any other possible options. My classmate, Charlie Wilson, was my inspiration. He is creating a project targeting three-dimensional perspective manipulation. I decided that it might be cool to add a three-dimensional aspect into my project as well. What better way to illustrate the power of technology than by transforming a static two-dimensional surface into a moving three-dimensional sensation?

I did some research and eventually I decided to use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects, since I have used both programs before, even though it was at a very surface level.



The following link shows my final progress for Winter Quarter ’18.


I really enjoyed making this project. At first I was skeptical of my ability to create a painting that I would be satisfied with, as it has been a while since I had last painted. It felt amazing to be doing what I love once again. I definitely have made several last minute changes, but I do think that these last minute changes produced great results. As I head into my last quarter at UCSD, I am excited to improve on this project and present my new ideas on another. Stay Tuned!

