“Content Is King.”

Dorcas Emanor
3 min readJan 24, 2024


From the title page of Bill Gates’ 1996 essay to the Digital Marketer’s Mantra.

Growing up I was intrigued by the desktop we owned. The sheer thrills I felt practising typing with Mavis Beacon, learning how to create PowerPoint slides and of course, playing games!

I grew a bit older and I discovered I could use the internet to search for anything!

With no idea about what content was, I found it satisfying that I could find answers to questions searching the internet.

Fast forward a couple of years down the line and I’m writing about how content is king.

Have you ever wanted to know why marketers attest “content is king”?

Then, you should read this.

Content is king: Bill Gates said it!

Who ever thought the title of an essay in the late 1990s would become the craze of an entire generation of individuals, brands and businesses?

Well, we can’t say we weren’t warned because we were!

Bill Gates in his popular essay titled; Content is King revealed what the future held not only for corporate or standard businesses, but for individuals …

“One of the exciting things about the Internet is that anyone with a PC and a modem can publish whatever content they can create.” — Bill Gates

Today, we’re living it.

This is the real culprit behind global trends or global digitization if you like.

From stellar business strategies and techniques to innovative technology, down to ordinary daily living, these trends shape all.

No doubt, the internet has become the ecosystem of our modern world.

What makes content king in this ecosystem?

“The Internet also allows information to be distributed worldwide at basically zero marginal cost to the publisher. Opportunities are remarkable, and many companies are laying plans to create content for the Internet.

Over time, the breadth of information on the Internet will be enormous, which will make it compelling.” — Bill Gates

What’s the one thing we all do when we turn on our WiFi? Search!

  • a brand of coffee we love,
  • a set of skincare products,
  • our favourite movie or song,
  • job openings,
  • where we can find a farmers’ market or retail outlet of a luxury brand …

whichever case, we’re searching the internet because we want answers.

Content is king because it is a global legal tender.

More than the monetary value we associate with brands or individuals, we are beginning to rank worthiness on an invisible scale of perceived real value.

With so much information out there, we only recognize those we resonate with “perceived value” — these are the ones worthy of our time, loyalty and of course our money.

Like Bill Gates said it has indeed made the Internet a compelling place, taking away every monochromatic mindset about what content is or is not!

Today the internet is full of people, companies and institutions that are;

  • sharing their ideas, vision and resources,
  • creating experiences,
  • developing and sharing skills,
  • and stories,

using a plethora of creatively diverse mediums and styles.

With content driving this ecosystem, we are constantly

  • connecting and building relationships,
  • unearthing new places,
  • unlocking business growth,
  • discovering unlimited opportunities,
  • and creating mind-blowing solutions,

for and with millions of people around the globe, seamlessly!


Looking at how much our lives and experiences are influenced by the content we’ve created, shared or used, is proof of its undeniable reign in a digital ecosystem as ours.

“Those who succeed will propel the Internet forward as a marketplace of ideas, experiences, and products-a marketplace of content.” — Bill Gates

Content is King, and interconnectedness never felt so real!



Dorcas Emanor

I'm all about creating content, telling stories and everything in between! From the tight-lip halls of strategy to the dazzling sidewalks of creativity, FIND ME