The Ideology Inside APA Parent Coordination Guidelines

Doreen Ludwig
7 min readNov 16, 2022


Family Court Practices — Explode Fireworks in the Storm

This protocol analysis reveals father’s rights ideology is entrenched in custody systems. The American Psychological Associations (APA) Parent Coordination Guidelines cite 13 father’s rights authored books and scads of fatherhood research to legitimize court management and intrusion.


First published in 2004, in AFCC’s Family Court Review “Parenting coordination for high conflict families” (Coates, Deutsch, Starnes, Sullivan & Sydlik) is a foundational article outlining a collusive process. A court employee or private appointee becomes the family’s manager. The manager is awarded judicial authority to resolve disputes for the purpose of building functional, enduring coparenting relationships. Special masters, hearing masters, counselors, coparenting facilitators, mediator/arbitrator and Guardian Ad Litems can perform the management role.

This article makes it clear: family court employees and appointees work together, collaboratively as facets of a multi-disciplinary team; a fact undisclosed to litigants. An “interdisciplinary team” — judge, lawyer and mental health practitioner — work together to manage and force even the most detrimental parent/child relationships.


Guidelines expose ideology. Court employees and appointees believe themselves capable of resolving “disputes” even where serious violence and control exist. Evidence of harm and unfit parenting is kept off-the-record, “out of the public eye.” Due process rights are violated by the management system which ignores factors that normally contribute to judicial custody determinations. The ideology equalizes the parents by discounting cause.

“The course of the divorce process is commonly one of heightened anger and conflict, anxiety, diminished communication, and sadness or depression for one or both partners. These negative emotions are often accelerated by the separation and the adversarial nature of the divorce process… this relatively small group of parents is not able to settle their child-related disputes in custody mediation, through lawyer-assisted negotiations, or on their own. They turn to litigation in the years following separation and divorce to settle these disputes and utilize disproportionate resources and time of the courts. They are more likely to have significant psychological problems, which may interfere with their parenting, and they more often expose their children to intense conflict and intimate partner violence, also commonly referred to as domestic violence…family court judges, divorce intervention researchers, and psychologists practicing in the divorce and family area explored alternative interventions that would diminish the use of the adversarial process to resolve child-related disputes and deal effectively with these parents to reduce the conflict to which children were exposed.”


Father’s rights ideologues publish a plethora of books that promote ideology, legal maneuvers and court-ordered mental health interventions. Authors and affiliations expose the networks reach. Books cited in PA Parent Coordination Guidelines represent the tip of the iceberg.


Guidelines claim “PC seeks to rely on the extensive empirical and clinical research involving violence between partners, including research differentiating among patterns of domestic violence.” Understanding the content and authorship of citations reveals that victims will not be protected. Instead victims will be blamed for instigating the assault, defending themselves and the children, and/or will be pathologized/psychologically labeled.

NOTE: Seminal AFCC article Johnson/Kelley reformulated alienation theory uses a Family Systems/Dynamic approach to justify custody orders and services created to change perception instead of behavior.


Articles cited in APA Parent Coordination Guidelines further expose foundational ideology, authorship, and intervention methods (practices).

Janet Johnston/Johnson

Joan Kelly — Advisor to fathers’ rights group Children’s Rights Council (CRC) who implemented Welfare Reform.


Citations reveal connections between community programs and eventual research publication. This author cannot possibly document the multitude of programs contributing to research outcomes, however the two samples below give the reader the pattern and means to follow-the-researcher to the community program.


The APA Parent Coordination Guidelines cite numerous father’s rights research and practices. A sample includes:


Contested custody does not proceed according to the Rule of Law and Rules of Evidence, or due process. Instead, government, private and trade associations entrenched treatment and management systems that profit from the most egregious forms of parental behavior. While the actors hold hearings and issue legally enforceable orders, legitimacy of process is merely pretense. The protocols point out the subterranean truth.



Doreen Ludwig

I expose the taint of social services. Prepare to blast your illusions. I follow the money, organizations,& operators to unmask disingenuous, predatory systems.