Guide to running Minecraft 1.17+ without OpenGL Core 3.2 support [GLFW43 Error]

Dorian Nessuno
2 min readAug 2, 2021


TLDR: This guide uses a software renderer MesaForWindows and will always be much slower than native performance. This is only really viable as a stopgap measure until you have to inevitably upgrade your PC. Hopefully the GPU/CPU market would be a bit better by then.

  • First download the renderer at this link.
  • Extract the zip file.
  • Browse to C:/Program Files/Java/ or wherever you have your Java Installed
  • Copy the Java 16 folder and create a copy. Rename the copy to ‘Java 1.16.1 — Mesa3D’ or something like that.
  • Navigate to the bin folder within this copy and paste the opengl32.dll you downloaded earlier. Replace the file that exists there already.
  • Open Minecraft and change the Java exe to be used to ‘C:/Program Files/Java/Java 1.16.1 — Mesa3D/bin/javaw.exe’ (There are multiple guides on changing the java executable in Minecraft available on the internet if you run into any problems.)
  • Now your 1.17+ versions should run without any problems but slower than you’re used to.

Caution: Do not replace the opengl32.dll in your standard Java folder. You probably don’t need it and it will make everything run slower.

If someone was able to make sense of my ramblings but could write better instructions, I would be happy to let them do so.



Dorian Nessuno

I am a distracted writer that starts many projects but only finishes a few.