Cannabis Dispensary

doris flores
2 min readSep 21, 2018


Cannabis is an annual plant derived from the Cannabaceae family that originated from central Asia. It exists in two strains, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. The most famous strain, however, is Cannabis sativa. It was classified by a biologist called Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Cannabis Sativa though originated in Central Asia has now been grown throughout the world as a source of food, fiber, oil, and medicine. Here’s a good read about Inyo Fine Cannabis Dispensary, check it out!

Cannabis dispensary is a state-regulated shop that sells strains of cannabis for either medicinal or recreational purposes. Cannabis dispensaries are common in the US, Canada, Holland, Uruguay among others. Hemp, another name for Cannabis, has very many medicinal purposes hence the reason its use continues to be legalized in many countries. The term Marijuana dispensary is mostly used for privately owned dispensaries. To gather more awesome ideas on Inyo Fine Cannabis Dispensary, click here to get started.

Marijuana dispensaries, especially in the United States, can be divided into two, namely Medical Dispensaries and Recreational Dispensaries. Medical dispensaries are the shops that sell marijuana or cannabis for medicinal purposes since pharmacies are not allowed to fill marijuana prescriptions. Recreational dispensaries, on the other, hand sell cannabis to people aged 21 years and above. The development culture and the lifestyle of people especially young people is the reason marijuana is sold for recreational purposes.

Since cannabis dispensaries became a reality, they have brought about many benefits. Customers can access a variety of strains which they would have otherwise not have been exposed to if they dealt with a dealer in a street corner. Many dispensaries sell edibles, creams, oils that contain Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the active compound that is psychoactive in cannabis.

Marijuana dispensaries can give clear and concise advice of the product to the customer. The staff advice a client who is using marijuana for medicinal purposes and another that is using it for recreational purposes. One is sure to get the right product for the right purpose.

Cannabis dispensary ensures the client does not suffer from adulteration of the product. There are some allegations in Canada that some marijuana is laced with fentanyl. A dispensary will assure quality and safe products for the client and so as not to risk being de-registered by the state. The state will make sure that the marijuana has been thoroughly tested in the laboratory. Kindly visit this website for more useful reference.

The state greatly taxes cannabis dispensaries especially the recreational ones. The revenue gained from taxing these dispensaries benefits the economy immensely. Marijuana dispensaries ensure that the customers get safe products and at the same time dispensary helps to build the economy of the country as it gives employment to its staff.

