Why I am out of bitcoin

Doron Grinstein
1 min readSep 19, 2017


I think bitcoin will decline. here’s why: while cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly a major breakthrough in human endeavor, I consider the first serious cryptocurrency to be a prolonged proof of concept. It does the job, but other than managing a ledger, and occasionally granting a miner a bounty, it consumes enormous amounts of energy for very little returned utility.

I believe that the next wave of cryptocurrencies will displace the initial granddaddy of coins. This new wave WILL have utility. There are the emerging siacoin and filecoin and I assume many others. You can spend the currency and get value (storage). You can provide value (storage) and earn currency. I expect that proof of meaningful work (computation, storage, human labor, transportation, physical goods, etc.) will make more sense to society. It makes more sense to me.

