Turning Setbacks into Success: The 3 Mistakes that Molded My Personal and Professional Growth

Dorota Głuszczyk
3 min readApr 17, 2024

Learning from one’s own mistakes can be challenging, but gaining insights from the mistakes of others may be even more difficult. Nonetheless, I’ve made the decision to reflect on the obstacles that once hindered my professional growth. Here we go!


In my early days, I embarked on a thrilling project, pouring my heart into every aspect of it. Entrusted with significant decision-making authority, I found myself frustrated when my colleagues didn’t follow my vision. Believing that no one understood the project as I did, I attempted to shoulder all the work alone. However, I came to realize that the issue wasn’t their lack of commitment but rather my communication style. I had been so focused on telling them HOW to do something, but neglected to convey WHY it mattered. By shifting my focus from micromanagement to fostering collaboration and trusting in their skills and creativity, I finally felt like I am going the right way. Improved communication not only bridged the gap but also ensured that the project’s outcomes were truly astonishing. Everyone in the team was proud of what they managed to achieve.


In the past, I’d describe myself as change-resistant, often with a ton of sarcasm on top. I mostly didn’t understand reasons why things had to change, so it felt like a bother to me. Now, when being part of a change, I try to embrace a different approach. I usually take the time to investigate the motivations driving the change and give it a fair chance before forming a final opinion. If I still have doubts, I talk with my coworkers to find solutions instead of being in the ‘nah’ by default.

I know that adapting is usually demanding, but I’ve learned to perceive changes not just as problems, but as opportunities to make things better. Actively looking for improvements and embracing the change made me sort of an advocate for them. Whenever the urge to voice a complaint arises, I try to note down my concerns, identify issues, and think about the potential solutions. This approach has proven highly effective for me. Change is an inevitable part of life — rather than resisting it, strive to adapt and leverage it to your advantage!


I used to stay in my cozy zone of comfort and tried to do everything on my own. Asking for help was like admitting a failure, and I prided myself on managing tasks single-handedly. Yet, I soon found myself overwhelmed by the workload imposed upon myself. Over time, I began to shed this mindset — which was not the easiest thing to do to be fair. I discovered that by seeking assistance one can earn tons of respect but also influence teammates. It was a valuable lesson: sharing responsibility doesn’t diminish individual performance; rather, it underscores one’s role as a team player.


While I have not completely conquered all these issues, acknowledging them has allowed me to adapt my approach for better outcomes. I wanted to share my thoughts as the next step of my journey and as an invitation for others to contemplate their own challenges and embark on their paths of improvement. Wishing you all the best on your unique path ahead!

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Dorota Głuszczyk

Mobile QA Engineer • Public speaker • Former co-organizer of LogCat Mobile Testing Meetup