Dosunmu Fisayo
3 min readFeb 16, 2024

An Analysis of Valentine’s day gifts from 2012–2024 in Nigeria using SQL and Excel

In Nigeria, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement. It’s one of the countries where Valentine’s Day is celebrated in a grand way. People exchange a lot of gifts, and there is a significant increase in the sales exchange, and gifting of presents on Valentine’s Day compared to other holidays.

You know what’s not often discussed? Those individuals who treat themselves by shopping for gifts and sending them to different locations as a special gift to themselves. It’s like spreading love to themselves in a unique way.

This dataset was created by myself, Dosunmu Oluwafisayomi Christabel. I created the table, inserting the data’s, crafted personally using SQL and created the charts and tables using Excel.

Table creation process
Table's picture

It contains customer_id, names of the customers, category,gift received to self, online retailer, price date and received date.

The key aspects focused on were the top recipients, the most popular online retailer, the types of gifts received, and how the trends have evolved over the years.

I utilized Excel to make a chart that highlights the top recipient of self-gifts throughout the years. The top recipient being Femi Lazarus who treated himself to a car on February 2, 2024.

I went a step further and created another chart to showcase the highest gift purchases from 2012 to 2024. The gifts rings and flowers were the most popular choices, with each being bought four times throughout the years.

I took it a step further and made a pie chart to illustrate the percentage of people who buy gifts for themselves from 2012 to 2024. The results revealed that females were the ones who embraced this trend the most, accounting for 38% of the participants.

I also made a chart to determine which store had the highest sales. It turns out Crystal Stores took the lead, selling popular and affordable items like lighters, flowers, boxers, and perfume.

It’s interesting to see how self-gifting during Valentine’s Day changed over the years. The trends fluctuated, with different gifts being chosen and various recipients getting involved in this trend.

As the trend gained popularity over the years, not only singles but also couples and even children started to participate.

Finally, as the years go by, it’s evident that the number of people joining in on the trend would continue to grow. The influence of those who have participated would play a role in this expansion. It’s exciting to see how this celebration has the potential to bring more and more people together.