10 Shocking Facts About Yemen

4 min readJul 14, 2021


Yemen has been one of the most countries which are mentioned in the news recently, due to the civil war and the international interference that is facing, but today we will share some of the amazingly interesting facts about Yemen.

Here some interesting facts about Yemen you properly didn’t know:

1. Yemen Was Known As “ The Happy Land ”

Yes, Yemen was known to be the most fortunate and happy land in the middle east. The country is full of mountains that invite rain to contribute to flourishing the agriculture of the region, and due to that, the region has been supporting the population for a stable living for centuries.

2. Yemen Was Famous For Silversmiths

The Yemeni Jewish silversmiths were known for their amazing craftsmanship, their work won acknowledgment all over the world.

They were the rulers of the metal craft production in all the southern Arabian Peninsula from the eighteenth till the middle of the twenty century.

3. World’s Oldest Skyscraper City is in Yemen

The Yemeni City Shibam consists of the oldest Skyscrapers in human history which goes back to the 16th century.

Shibam is famous for the high-rise mud bricks ancient buildings, which were named the “Manhattan of the Desert.” by foreign countries.

4. The Caffè Mocha Name Relates to Yemen

Mocha is the name of the Yemeni city which is located on the Red Sea coast. This city was famous for coffee trades from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century and for growing it as well.

The Mocha coffee beans were known for their distinctive taste which led the world to recognize them. Nowadays Mocha Caffe is a popular flavor of chocolate and coffee.

5. Old Sanaa

The capital city of Yemen is one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. The city is known for the unique distinctive character architecture of its buildings which were built before the 11th century.

6. Dragon Blood Tree

The Dragon Blood Tree is first seen and usually grows in the Yemeni island Socotra. This unique tree is known for its appearance that looks like an umbrella that is held upright.

The reason why it is called dragon blood tree is due to the dark red resin that the tree produces, which has immense medical value for different medical applications.

7. The World Largest Contiguous Sand Desert

The Rub al Khali is considered the largest continuous sand desert in the world and it occupies more than 650,000 square km. This desert area covers parts of Yemen, UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. It is also a part of the Arabian desert which has the hardest climate in the world.

8. Queen of Sheba

The ancient kingdom Sheba was mentioned in the Holy book of the Quran and the Hebrew Bible. The Yemeni city Sheba is the home of the biblical queen of Sheba, a popular figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.

9. Dar Al-Hajar

The iconic palace Dar al-Hajar was built in the 1930s by Yahya Muhammad Hamiddin, an Islamic leader of Yemen.

Dar Al-Hajar is built and carved out of one massive rock, giving it an iconic look and amazing view. Nowadays it is set up as a museum for the public to visit.

10. Yemen is considered one of the richest nations when it comes to historical treasures and cultures.

Yemen’s strategic geographical location was the main reason for Yemen to go through several civilizations which created historical treasures and culture which involved the Sabeans kingdom, Minaeans, Qataban, and the Himyarite Kingdom.





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