Review: BloodRayne: Betrayal

Queen of Daemons
3 min readDec 2, 2017


Image taken from:,354748/

I have known about this game for quite sometime now due to the fact that I adore the 3D hack ‘n slash BloodRayne video games but I have not played this 2D side scroller until now. I have to say I am very disappointed in a concept that could’ve been executed properly. As much as I wanted to complete the game, it became a bother when I realized some of the mechanics did not want to work as they should have.

The only story I have gotten from the game is from the Steam page itself. “ …recruited by the vampire hunting Brimstone Society for one last mission.” Other than that, there is small comic text boxes that will tell you what the characters are thinking but they are few and inbetween. But, I only made it to chapter six since the controls were too stiff.

The gameplay isn’t too impressive. You have melee attacks bound to the “F” key by default, shooting bound to “V”, and the arrow keys are the movement buttons. Apparently you can transform into something but I did not make it that far due to the game’s controls being horrendous.

My main gripe with the game is the controls. When backflipping, it rarely ever wants to work. I had to switch to a controller to attempt to make any of the game easier but that did not seem to make the game any better. The controls are very stiff. Backflipping in the game is tedious to pull off since you have a limited time to press the opposite direction.

The game spawns too many enemies at once in an area and with these controls, it is hard to kill all of the enemies. Especially when you are given limited anmo and one melee attack. This makes this even more difficult when Rayne is easily knocked down. Another difficult concept that is hard to get used to is launching the enemies in the air and knocking them over to a side without killing them.

The platforming in chapter five was a pain due to having to use the blackflipping mechanic and even coming close to the spikes would take a chunk out of your health.

The music is mediocre at its best and the game also has an 8-bit code to change the soundtrack so there’s that. The art style reminds me of a low-budget anime and I kind of like it.

The price they are asking for this fifteen level game is too much. Especially when the game has more negatives than positives.

Is this the worst game I have played? No. But does it hold up to the previous games? Nope.

I give this game a 3/10. Do not pay $10 for this.

