The Horrible Secret of the Smurfs

Dotan Castro
2 min readMar 11, 2020


Recently, I stumbled into a Smurf episode on TV. It made me think.

I believe that the biggest problem of the Smurfs is not the evil Gargamel, nor the stereotypes he supposedly represents, nor the constant fear from Azrael, nor even the noninclusive environment of about 100 Smurfs and only one Smurfette (I will avoid any further discussion of the Smurfs’ reproductive habitats).

On the surface the Smurfs’ problem is their inability to evolve. Jokey Smurf always surprises his friends with the same explosive box, Hefty is always ever strong, the sleepy Smurf is always sleepy, and so on.

In other words, beyond the other unidentified Smurfs those who can be identified are exclusively identified by one and only one characteristic. A characteristic that defines them in full. They do not change nor evolve. In each chapter there is almost the same story with a variation that does not tap the essence of their beings.

To their great fortune, their enemies do not really evolve either. Therefore the Smurfs’ community happily flourishes in its magical village that stands in a constant threat.

Yet, under the surface lies the horrible secret of the Smurfs. And it has a name and a face — Papa Smurf.The only Smurf with a red diaper that carries the signs of time on his face. Even though Papa Smurf may intend well, the way he coaches the Smurfs hinders their ability to grow.

He is always available

He solves every problem

He protects

He is a micromanager

He is smart and knows it all

He improvises

He survives

Any try to grow besides him turns ridiculous (e.g. Brainy). Any effort to go out of the warm village and tour the world ends in an almost catastrophic event. Forever in returning to the safe village.

Every attempt to change is extinguished.

Papa Smurf is full of good intentions, but besides his good deeds he keeps the Smurfs one-dimensional, unable to deal with complexities, in a constant need for protection, happy and worry-less.

Thus they don’t try, they don’t take risks, they keep unchanged and fail to grow.

Good people, do not be Papa Smurfs.

